Alzheimers Can Suck It

***This Wiki is constantly under construction and revision. It was created as a way to discover the reason AD is so prevalent in our family history and why it took our father in his 50s. The information in these pages are for thought organization only and are never meant as medical advice***

What do we know about Alzheimer's Disease (AD) risk, prevention, and treatment?

Alzheimer's is a complicated, multifaceted disease; likely developing decades before symptoms become obvious. Age is the #1 risk factor, but the majority of elderly people do NOT develop Alzheimer's. It is our opinion that environmental factors play a large role in the development of Alzheimer's.

Below are some of the factors and components associated with Alzheimer's risk. **Before you read anything about "risk" you should look into how scientists calculate and discuss risk - here is a good review.)**





Nutrition & Lifestyle


Mental Illness


Body/Organ Systems

Possible Treatments

Random Facts


Overarching Theories

Every attempt is made to link to relevant scientific literature to back up our theories and claims. When clicking on links you may find yourself at the article abstract pages of pubmed or the relevant journal sites. These sites have paywalls preventing you from reading beyond the abstract. You may utilize Sci-hub to read almost any journal article in it's entirety by taking the doi number of the abstract (usually found under "details") and placing it into sci-hub's search bar. The annals of knowledge have been opened!