• Limit PUFA consumption (soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and cottonseed oil.)
  • Exercise every day with some weight training and hard aerobics mixed in (at least 30 minutes.)
  • Take care of your Teeth - floss every day, bleeding gums are open doors for infection.
  • Work on stress relief - massage, therapy, hot baths, hobbies, whatever. Do not let yourself become a stress bomb. Check out Wim Hof's breathing techniques for anxiety.
  • Process your old trauma (if something that is older than 18 months still makes you cry/get mad, then it is still bothering you and your body is still dealing with. Write it down, figure out what happened and how you can prevent in the future. Keep doing it until the memory no longer provokes emotion.)
  • Eat ocean fish, leafy greens , eggs, herbs, and berries.
  • Make regular sleep a priority. If you are having sleep troubles, fix them.
  • Do not use screens within the 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Get outside and be in the sun every day.
  • Do not eat refined wheat products. If you do eat them, make it WORTH IT. Baguette in France - yes. Gross donut from the gas station - No.
  • If you have high blood pressure, treat it. Ideally: figure out why you have high blood pressure and fix that.
  • If you are not menstruating, consider donating blood a few times per year.
  • If you undergo a stressful situation - consider vitamin C and magnesium supplementation.
  • Consider a sublingual B12 and DHA fish oil supplement.
  • Do not let doctors put you on long term medications without researching all the potential side effects and long term risks.
  • Consider a multivitamin (without iron or copper) and take one when you have had less than ideal eating habits or more stress than normal.
  • Maintain your social relationships, develop a purpose in life and live! All of us are here for only a short time. Live your life to make yourself, your community, and/or the world better!
  • Ask for help if you need it!


Sleep and High Blood Pressure are repeatedly found to correlate with Alzheimers disease. Data indicates that prevention may be the only way to halt progression of the disease. It appears that once symptoms become moderate to severe, there is no turning back. Hopefully this will change in the future, but in the meantime, prevention is king. If you have sleep issues - get them fixed. Go get a sleep study done and do whatever it takes to make sure you are sleeping well at night and waking up rested. If you have high blood pressure, get to the root cause of it, but treat it in the meantime.

Stress, depression, and mental illness are also highly correlated but the results can be subjective and hard to quantify. Either way, your life and your AD risk will improve if you can conquer these demons.

Nutrition and lifestyle habits are mired in a mulitfactorial soup, but some are very suggestive and are good choices regardless. Eat green vegetables and berries, avoid processed foods, and get some sun and exercise.