Call for Papers

***Call for Papers is now closed***

The 14th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology will be held at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, on 15-17 December (Thursday-Saturday), 2022. The preceding day (Dec 14) will be reserved for a series of teach-ins.

Abstract submission deadline: April 11, 2022 (extended deadline)

Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2022

Abstracts on any topic in linguistic typology, including its interfaces with language documentation and signed language research, are invited for oral presentations, posters, and a limited number of workshops. Non-members of ALT may submit abstracts but will be expected to join ALT in order to present a paper at the meeting.

Abstracts should be submitted through Easychair

Abstracts may be submitted for the general session, for a poster session, or for one of the scheduled workshops. Abstracts submitted for a workshop but not accepted there will be automatically considered for inclusion in the general or poster session.

One individual may be involved in a maximum of two abstracts (maximum of one as sole author), regardless of category (oral, poster, workshop talk).

Abstracts will be anonymously reviewed by a pool of external referees and by members of the ALT 2022 Program Committee. Abstracts submitted to a workshop will be jointly reviewed by members of the ALT 2022 Abstract Review Committee and the workshop organizers.

Abstract specifications

  • Abstracts must be anonymous: do not put your name or other identifying information on the abstract.

  • Abstracts should be at a maximum length of one single-spaced page, 12pt font, with another page (at maximum) for references and examples.

  • Please put this information at the top of your abstract: abstract title; abstract category (oral, poster, oral/poster); workshop title (if applicable).

Categories of submission

  • Oral presentation, for general session or workshop (single or multiple author): Timing will depend on the number of papers accepted for presentation and will probably be 20 minutes per paper, plus 10 minutes for discussion.

  • Poster: One or more poster sessions will be organized, depending on demand.

  • Oral/Poster: This means you prefer an oral presentation but can also present a poster. If there are more good abstracts than we can accommodate, the Programme Committee will schedule some as posters.