My Designs

"A design is a structure adapted to a purpose." -David Perkins

"Design is a process of moving from the universal, general, and particular to the ultimate particular-- the specific design." - Nelson and Stolterman 2012, pg. 31


A learning design is considered to be the framework which supports student learning experiences. Learning designs are different ways of creating and structuring student learning experiences. They typically include a scaffolded list of types of activities and interactions.

Below you will find a portfolio of learning designs to help guide educators in the implementation of technology with instruction and authentic assessment. These designs serve as a foundation or brainstorming reference for others to branch from. These designs are purposefully selected combinations of standards, learning outcomes, technologies, activities, and authentic assessments.

These designs not only support alignment and purposeful use of Common Core and ISTE standards, but autonomy and creativity on both the teacher's and students' parts.


Instructional technology/media can be defined in a variety of ways. Sometimes it refers to all aids that are used by the teacher and learners. In other cases, it refers only to printed media. In my exploration of instructional media and transmedia, I use the term to mean all devices and materials used throughout the teaching and learning processes. This definition is similar to the definition given by Romiszowski (1981) which "includes not only electronic communications media, but also such devices as slides, photographs, teacher-made diagrams, charts, real objects and handouts that we use in the process of planned instruction." Instructional media development is about creating transmedia aids that assist or even facilitate content presentation and instruction and meet the following criteria for the learner: multimodal, intertextual, and dispersed. Overall, you want to have several ways in which a learner can interact with and receive the information being taught. This is where the use to technology comes into play-- to create authentic transmedia designs for learning. Check out my McCarthyism website, full of transmedia and instructional technology developed around a unit of instruction for an English III class and my English IV Literary Criticism Review designed for individualized test preparation.


The site below presents the story of my journey as a designer in drafting solution prototypes for a problem commonly identified within the education field: the mystification of technology and its negative connotations which deter teachers from implementing it into their instruction and class routines. The site takes you through each step I took in order to draft the solution prototype created in the end.

Preview of my instructional design website home page