Port Placement and Pose Planning based on the Position of the Target Organ

This project proposes an algorithm for optimal pose planning of SINA surgical system and also proper port placement on abdominal wall based on the type of surgery and location of the target organ. The selection criteria include maximum kinematic maneuverability as well as minimum probable collision between the robots and patient. To determine collision between the robotic arms and the patient, I used Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB) to contain the geometry of the links and the patient abdomen. Knowing the position of the actuators in time, one can use the kinematic equations to determine the online position and orientation of each OBB. The arms collide if their containing OBBs intersect. Therefore, based on the type of surgery and the position of the target organ, the optimum position for the entry ports and the robot’s initial setup can be obtained which would results in minimum chance of collision.