Lessons & Workshops

Private Lessons

Private lessons are one-on-one sessions with a qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique. They provide an opportunity for the teacher to aid the student in applying the fundamental ideas of the Alexander Technique and to work in a concentrated fashion to bring about improvement using Alexander's principles.

Currently, there is also an online option for private lessons.


Workshops are catered to meet the needs of particular groups of people. They are designed to introduce the principles of the Technique in a simple way so that participants can begin to apply them immediately to their personal activities (whether they be sewing, writing, martial arts, plumbing or singing). Workshops can also be tailored for groups specializing in one activity (for instance, a class of pianists, horse back riders, singers, musical conductors, or public speakers) in order to directly address problems involved in that activity. There are also workshops for those who already have a working knowledge and experience of the Technique.

Worskhops at the Alexander Technique Centre are also held for teachers of the Technique where they have the opportunity to work with master teachers from around the world.

Teacher Training

Students of the Alexander Technique who wish to train to become teachers may be interested in a conversation with Gaby Minnes Brandes. For more information about training email gminnesbrandes@gmail.com.Â