Testimonial on Sεxological Bodywork

After more than ten sessions, this young economist living in Berlin shared the following words

I feel very grateful for the whole process I have gone through with Alejandro. It’s easier for me now to be aware of different sensations in my body and to name them. I have also found more acceptance. I feel empowered by the experience and more confident.

I’m very impressed by how receptive Alejandro is to how I’m reacting to his touch and also to what I’m telling him before or after a session. I have always felt very supported and completely safe.

It has felt easy and natural to open up to Alejandro and even though this work also has been challenging for me I have also laughed a lot. It’s just easy to relax with him.

Alejandro has always known how much to push me in order to have a learning experience and I have always felt that whatever happens it’s completely fine. Alejandro has done everything with a lot of gentleness and sensitivity.

It’s been a very beautiful experience.

Testimonial on Orgαsmic Yoga

After some Wednesdays sharing the collective experience of Orgαsmic Yoga, I have asked participant permission to collect expressions that came up during the meetings, with the intention of transmitting the kind of experience that takes place in OY. My thanks to the orgasmic yoguis for contribute with words and trust.

“I feel touched and very cheerful and lots of space in myself. It feels really good, like a gift. This experience was very gentle with out force it”.

“I could really let go into it, the music helped me”.

“I feel very in touch with myself. I have experienced some sort of emotional state. I started being a bit low with my emotions and end up being cheerful.”

“This journey was really resourcing to my sexuality and my Sεxological Bodywork training. My relationship with some parts of my body are kind of new and I still don't understand everything about myself. This space gave me a lot and, It made me remember what OY is about… a dynamic meditation on the body.”