
I strongly believe that we have the responsibility with Science to successfully pass our knowledge and encourage mathematical discussion at each level.

I have had a tenure position as a professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Sciences and Technology experimental Faculty of the University of Carabobo (FaCyT-UC) since 2015. Before that, I was Assistant Professor and Teaching Assistant. So, I have had the opportunity of giving some courses in the program of Licenciatura in Mathematics of the University of Carabobo, and also an advanced course in the program of Master in Applied Mathematics offered by such University.


Master's program:

Ultrafilters and its applications: Ultrafiltros y sus aplicaciones. FaCyT-Universidad de Carabobo. 2015- 1. Elective course developed for the program.

Undergraduate program:

Calculus in several variables: Cálculo III TAO301. FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2017-1 and 2016-2.

Complex analysis: Análisis II MAO601. FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2016-1 and 2015-1.

Measure theory: Análisis III MAO801. FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2015-1 and 2014-2.

Linear algebra II: Álgebra II MAO301. FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2016-1, 2014-2 and 2013-2.

Linear algebra I: Álgebra I MAO201. FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2013-2.

For aspirants to the program:

Introductory Course: FaCyT - Universidad de Carabobo. 2016-2, 2016-1, 2015-1 and 2014-2.