
Being a mom is my full time job and overtime. My website would not be complete without mentioning my wonderful daughter Luz. She is 7 years old and together we have been partners in adventures, jobs and countries since 2014. I show you here some of our projects.

At the Second Brazilian Workshop in Geometry of Banach Spaces, Ubatuba, Brazil. 2018.

At the Second Brazilian Workshop in Geometry of Banach Spaces, Ubatuba, Brazil. 2018.

At the Butantan Institute, São Paulo, Brazil. 2018.

Math. Dept. of the University of Campinas, Brazil. With Carlos Di Prisco. 2019.

First day at the IME-USP. 2018.

Praça do relógio, USP, Brazil. 2018.

IME-USP, Brazil. 2018.

IME-USP, Brazil. 2019.

Defense of my Master's dissertation, August 2014.

Receiving my Master's degree. March, 2015.

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela. 2015.

First day of school. Naguanagua, Venezuela. 2015.

First day of School Vol. 2. Naguanagua, Venezuela. 2015.

My teaching assistants. 2016.

Coming to São Paulo, Brazil. Feb. 2018.