

Principles of Semiconductor Devices This 40-lecture graduate-level course introduces the physics of semiconductor devices.

Reliability Physics of Nanoelectronic Transistors  A 40-lecture course explains the reliability physics of semiconductor devices.  Homework and Exams

Principles of Electronic Nanobiosensors A 32-lecture course discusses the essential physics of nanobiosensors

Nanostructured Electronic Devices: Percolation and Reliability. A 10-lecture course introduces the relevance of percolation for modern semiconductor devices

Fundamentals of Photovoltaics. A six-part lecture series explains on the physics of solar cells.  Four quizzes for the PVSC Tutorial  (Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4) and a draft copy of the corresponding book is posted here    (The older version is posted   here.) The updates and errata are posted here

An Introduction to Data Analysis, Design of Experiments, and Machine Learning:   This 15-lecture course combines statistics, physics, machine learning, and scaling theories to prepare a student to think differently (and perhaps more efficiently) about doing experiments and simulation.  

A “Google-translate” for Manufacturing Data: A Preliminary Analysis:  Does a machine have a heartbeat?!

Reading Lists

If you are new to flexible electronics, solar cells, or Landau electronics, etc.  you may find the following reading list a good starting point.  

An Atom-to-Farm Introduction to Solar Cells

Physics Principles of Nanobiosensors

Nanonet-based Flexible Electronics

The Physics and Technology of Landau Electronics 

Software and Data Analytics

Purdue Resources