Landau Electronics: A Reading List

Elementary Physics of Phase Transition

  • H. Haken, Synergetics, An Introduction, Springer-Verlag. Haken was among the first to highlight the importance and ubiquity of phase transitions in electronics, optics, economics, and sociology.
  • Phase Transitions: Ricard Sole, PDF A Haken-style broad analysis of systems involving phase transition.
  • The Many Phases of Matter, G. Venkataraman, University Press. Connections symmetry breaking and phase transition
  • Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, S. H. Strogatz Phase transition in time, connects to catastrophe theory
  • Response and Stability, A. B. Pippard, PDF A highly readable book that uses classical electronic components to create remarkably complex phase transition systems.
  • A nice paper that connects hysteresis, avalanche, and critical phenomena PDF
  • Statistical Mechanics, Kinetic Theory, and Stochastic Processes C. V. Heer
  • Noise in nonlinear dynamic systems Volume 1, Frank Moss & P. V. E. McClintock
  • Noise in nonlinear dynamic systems Volume 2, Frank Moss & P. V. E. McClintock

Perspectives, Review Articles, and Books on Ferroelectrics

  • History of Ferroelectrics PDF
  • A simple first-principle model of ferroelectrics PDF Connects Piezoelectric and ferroelectrics in an elementary framework.
  • M.E. Lines and M. A. Glass, Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics, Oxford Classics. PDF (Advanced, Reference)
  • J. F. Scott, Ferroelectric Memories, Springer 2000.
  • Landau Free Energy Coefficients PDF

Landau Switch: Microelectromechanical Switches

  • Foundations of Nanomechanics, From solid state theory to device applications, Andrew N. Clelan
  • Mechanics of Materials, R. C. Hibbler
  • Linear Control Systems: Analysis and Design by J.J. D'Azzo and C.H. Houpis, discusses Lagrange's method of unified electrical, chemical, mechanical systems represented by circuit elements
  • Review of Instability in MEMS/NEMS, PDF
  • Scaling of Electrical and Mechanical Forces PDF
  • Modeling of MEMS PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4
  • RF-MEMS: Switches for Communication PDF1, PDF2
  • NEMS Relays: Switches for Computation PDF
  • Soft-Landing in MEMS Switches PDF
  • Nanometer gap MEMS PDF

Landau Switch: Ferroelectrics

  • Proposal of Negative Capacitance in Transistors using Ferroelectrics PDF
  • Experimental Proof of Negative Capacitance in Ferroelectrics PDF1 PDF2 PDF3
  • Proposal of MEMS for Negative Capacitance and Landau Switches PDF
  • Indirect Proof of Negative Capacitance in MEMS PDF
  • Fundamental Limits of Sub-threshold Swing in NC-FETs PDF
  • 0-mV/dec switching with series MEMS and FE PDF
  • A sub-60 switch based on Piezoelectric gate material ( Raj Jana et al.. Physica status solidi (c) 10.11 (2013): 1469-1472.)
  • A Short Historical Review of Development of Negatronics (NA Filinyuk and AA Lazarev. Int. J. Electron. Commun. 68, 172-177,2014)
  • Negative capacitance using circuits PDF
  • Negative Stiffness in composite materials PDF
  • Papers: Alldredge, Nanolett 2010 PDF A criticism of Landau switches.
  • A FE-AFE switch to improve subthreshold performance PDF
  • Observation and control of hot atom damage in Ferroelectrics PDF

Landau Sensors and Actuators

  • Resonant Gate Transistor PDF
  • Deformable Mirrors PDF
  • Mirasol Displays PDF
  • Travel Range of Tunable Actuators PDF1 PDF2 PDF3 PDF4
  • Nanoelectromechanical Systems PDF
  • Mechanical Biosensors PDF1 PDF2
  • Limits of Mass Sensing PDF
  • Spring Softening PDF
  • Nonlinear mechanical biosensors PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4
  • Noise suppression in Flexure FET PDF

Logic-in-Memory Systems

  • H. Stone, "A Logic in Memory Computer", IEEE Trans. on Computers, 1970. (One of the first papers)
  • A. M. Peskin, "A Logic-in-Memory Architecture for LSI Circuits", IEEE Trans. on Computers, 1972.
  • S. Matsunaga et al. MTJ-based Nonvolatile Logic-in-Memory Circuits: Future Prospects and Issues, EDAA, 2009.
  • T. Hanyu, "Challenges of MTJ/MOS-Hybrid Logic-in-Memory Architecture", p. 117, 2013.
  • A logic-in-memory Architecture for Large Scale Integrated Circuits, Q. Zhu et al. IEEE Int. Conf. Appl.-Specific Systems, p. 125, 2012.

Other Systems that Rely on Phase Transition

  • Solar Cells: Annealing Dependent Performance of Organic Solar Cells PDF
  • Population biology: A series of papers on population biology by Jeff Gore PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4
  • Reaction-diffusion model demonstrates spatial phase transition (self organization), just as the Landau theory relies on transition in energy
  • Key papers are: A. M. Turing, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol Sci. 237, 37, 1952. S. Kondo and T. Mirura, Science, 329, 1616, 2010; A related theory based on graded Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling (spatiotemporal morphogen gradient, R. Zeller et al., Nat. Rev. Genet. 10, 845, 2009.) also explains self-organization.
  • Phase Transitions: Ricard Sole, Princeton University Press(2011-08-14)Book

Tutorial Materials

  • Piezoelectrics:
  • Ferromagnetics:
  • Ferromagnetics:
  • Dielectrics: