Want More Information?

The official Air Force website. The one stop shop for all types of information on enlisting in the Air Force. This covers everything from benefits to specific jobs. If i'm not in your area you can enter your information and find the nearest recruiter to you. You can also search for guard, reserve, officer, civilian service, recruiters as well. Click the button to visit the Air Force website.

Air Force Recruiting's official YouTube page is a great resource for information. They have created so many informative videos describing the enlistment process. Click the button for Air Force Recruiting's official Youtube page.

The AFSC List Building tool. If you have taken your ASVAB and have your line scores (Mechanical, Administrative, General, Electrical) you can plug them in and get an idea of what kinds of jobs you are qualified for. While this is a useful tool please understand requirements are updated regularly and job qualification is also determined by other factors such as physical results, drivers license, citizenship, etc. Click the button and take a look.

Take at look at the following information that covers topics such as benefits, pay, bonuses, career fields, etc.