311th Recruiting Team F-Flight Fighting Falcons

F-Flight "Fighting Falcons"

Meet your local Air Force Recruiting team the F-Flight "Fighting Falcons" catering all Air Force needs to LaVale, MD; Washington, PA; Wheeling, WV; Morgantown, WV; Bridgeport, WV and surrounding areas. Led by MSgt David White, our team is motivated and ready to help you transition to becoming an Airman in the U.S. Air Force. Below are each of our recruiters with their locations, phone numbers, and emails. Reach out to the one closest to you so you can start the process.

How to join or get more information

Each of our recruiters have their own process for providing information and getting you into our great Air Force. Each office has ways to get more information about how they operate and the way to start. You can also call, text, or email your local recruiter. Please be patient as each recruiter covers a large area and works with a lot of people. Their first step will be to make sure you qualify. We can only meet with qualified individuals due to the amount of people reaching out. Due to our recruiters' community duties, we are regularly out of our offices, each office operates by appointment only. Showing up without an appointment might mean the office is closed when you arrive.

SSgt Joshua Ward

LaVale, MD


TSgt Andrew Kiczenski

Washington, PA


SSgt Jonathan Cummings

Wheeling, WV


SSgt Stephanie Degoes-Cruz

Morgantown, WV


TSgt Cody Johnson

Bridgeport, WV


MSgt David White

Flight Chief


Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)

What to expect before you get to MEPS!

Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP)

What is the DEP and how can it help me?