Aida Maraj

I am an assistant professor at the University of Michigan and research associate (visitor) at Harvard University.  

My research interests lie in applied and asymptotic algebra and geometry. Applications include data science, statistics and phylogenetics. Tools I use are from algebra, combinatorics, geometry, formal language theory and symbolic computation. 

My research is supported by the NSF Grant DMS2306672 (PI) and a Simons Travel Grant.

For Fall 2023 I was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation at the University of Chicago. For the academic year 2022-2023 I served as an IBL Desapio fellow at the University of Michigan. In 2020, I received a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Kentucky.  After that, I was for a year a postdoctoral researcher in the Non-Linear Algebra Group at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

2024 undergraduate research team on algebraic statistics of multivariate Gaussian models

Graduate student mentor: Alvaro Ribot (Harvard)

Undergraduate students: Emma Cardwell (Harvard) and Amer Goel (Michigan), both funded by NSF Grant DMS2306672

Events related to Albania

In July 18-29, 2022 we organized the international CIMPA* summer school Mathematical Methods in Data Analysis at the University of Tirana(UT), Albania. Among the topics, the program included applications of algebra, combinatorics, geometry and software for them. The school was generously supported by UT, the Albanian Academy of Sciences, CIMPA, INRIA, Company NinetyOne, the New York School of Science in Kosovo, The City Hall of Tirana and Tirana European Youth Capital  '22**. 

In January 20, 2023, the Department of Mathematics at the University of Tirana held an Alumni Day.

In May 16, 2024, the Department of Mathematics at the University of Tetova will held a Women in Mathematics Day. 

*taken from the CIMPA webpage: The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), founded in France in 1978, is a nonprofit organisation that promotes research in Mathematics in developing countries. Located in Nice, it is a UNESCO Category 2 centre and is part of the Laboratoire d'Excellence CARMIN (Centres d'Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales). It benefits from the financial support of Germany, France, Norway, Spain and Switzerland. CIMPA generously supported the summer school in Tirana, Albania in 2022, which I co-organized. 

**Tirana was selected as the European Youth Capital for the year 2022

Some Recent and Upcoming Events 

past events are found in my CV (last updated Oct. '23)

Moments. A note from the AMS featuring my collaborator Jane and me, and here is an interview in the albanian language.