Short Bio


BS (Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia), MSc (Engineering Mathematics,Twente University, the Netherlands), PhD (Marketing, Maastricht University, the Netherlands), PCAP (Lancaster University). During my undergraduate  degree, I was selected as a participant of youth exchange programme between Indonesia - Canada 1996-97 representing West - Java province in Indonesia.

My PhD dissertation can be accessed here


PhD dissertation: A Half Full Glass May Seem Fuller than a Half Empty One: Studies on the Influence of Regulatory Fit on Consumer Behavior. 2008. Maastricht University. Supervisor: Prof Ko de Ruyter & Prof. Martin Wetzels (Maastricht University)

MSc dissertation: Decomposition Appoximation in a Queueing Network. 2000. Executed at KPN Research (Dutch Telecom), Leidschendam, the Netherlands. Supervisor: Prof. Rob van der Mei, KPN Research and Centrum for Wiskunde and Informatics (CWI), Amsterdam and Dr. Wim Nawijn of Department of Applied Mathematics of Twente University, the Netherlands.

Academic appointments

Visiting academic appointment

Visiting Professor at the International Business School of the Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2016 - 2019. 

Admin roles


 Academic Services and Engagement

PhD thesis examination


Guest editor on a special issue at the Frontiers in Pyschology (2022): Individual and Cultural Differences in Sustainable Consumer Behaviour