EndoS for Endogeneity

EndoS window

Updates (March 2022): New version

  • Missing cases omitted

  • Orginial Endos code outputs wrong CIs from TSLS. Thanks for Claudio Barbaranelli for pointing out the errors. This now have been corrected.

Running the macro without installation

You can run the macro without having it installed on your machine.

You have to download these files: EndoS.sps and RunEndoS.spss from my github page here.

Open your .sav data.

Open EndoS.sps on your SPSS, run the syntax file -- highlight all the lines, run the selection button, i.e., the green button (Or click Run, and choose 'All'). Nothing seems to happen but actually, you have just invoked EndoS into SPSS memory, which you can call anytime during your SPSS session.Note: Make sure the 'Active Dataset' shows your data file (.sav).


Open RunEndoS.sps, change the specifications on the file according to your model specifications, and run the syntax file -- click Run, and choose 'All. Inspect the SPSS output windows.