Creating centered & z-scores

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Mean_centering.spd takes input variables. Users can choose either to center or standardize the variables (also called z-scores). To center (or to demean) a variable means to substract its mean from all its values. To standardize means to rescale a variable to have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one.

To center the variables, the 'standardize' box, should be left unchecked (default). If the box is checked, the variables will be standardized. The new variables taking prefix either "c" (eg cX1 means centered X1) or "z" (eg zX1 means standardized X1), depending on the status of the box, are merged with the original data file and rewritten into a newly created data file named MERGED_DATA.

The order of the variables in the new data is according to the order of the variables in the input box.

The macro is installed under Transform menu in SPSS.