陳翠梅 Tan Chui Mui


文 / 謝鎮逸


在「大馬電影新浪潮」這旗幟底下,基本上都是以獨立製作的電影來組成,並以阿米爾·穆罕默德(Amir Muhammad)在2000年推出的《唇對唇》(Lips to Lips)為濫觴。而作為其中一位領軍人物陳翠梅,在2004年的短片《丹絨馬林有棵樹》得到國際關注以後,隔年就與另三位電影工作者李添興、劉城達、阿米爾·穆罕默德共同創立獨立製片公司「大荒電影」並開始積極製作多部力作。敏感的在地觀眾開始留意到這股潛力非凡的本土創作者,更感到本土電影的潛在可能性。













Indie Films Standing on Own’s Feet: Tan Chui Mui and the Malaysian New Wave

/ Seah Jenn Yi (Translated by Show Ying Xin)

Malaysian New Wave and Indie Filmmaking

Under the umbrella of the “Malaysian New Wave,” independent filmmakers in the country are bonded together, with Amir Muhammad’s Lips to Lips (2000) often seen as the beginning of the movement. One of the leading figures Tan Chui Mui gained international attention with her short film A Tree in Tanjung Malim (2004); she then teamed up with James Lee, Liew Seng Tat and Amir Muhammad in 2005, co-founded the independent production house Da Huang Pictures. Audiences began to pay attention to these high-potential local filmmakers, and they also felt the potency of local films.

The naming and substantive meaning of the “Malaysian New Wave” are far from the heroic, romantic sentiments of French New Wave which emerged in the 1950s, and the movement also differs from the Taiwanese New Wave in the 1980s which keeps a close eye on the social reality. The Malaysian New Wave, unlike its counterparts which have influenced the subsequent cinematic development in the society to a certain degree, has kept themselves apart from the mainstream commercial films. This group of young filmmakers emerged in the 2000s, producing indie films from the marginal position, and has set off a wave beating into the center.

These indie films created in the 2000s have some features in common: low cost, non-professional actors, calm and long shots, and philosophical dialogues. In terms of subject matters, they had similar concerns about the alienation of people in urban life and also issues about national identity and multiethnic identity. The process of obtaining filming venue license in Malaysia can be time-consuming and extremely difficult; therefore, many indie filmmakers shot in public spaces in a rather guerilla way. This is also one of the reasons why the image textures of many indie films seem so rough, as they convey a sense of on-the-spot immediacy to a certain extent.

Basically, it was difficult for indie films in those days to receive financial assistance from the related governmental agencies; thus they relied on their own expenses and funds from international film festivals. In between this group of filmmakers, there was an affective comradeship that formed tacit cooperation in terms of financial support or technical assistance; they even starred in one another’s films. This culture of mutual assistance has allowed these filmmakers to gather a small but refreshing oasis in the vast desert.

As the target audience of these indie films is mainly art-cinema goers, the circulation of the works is inadvertently limited. For the mainstream movie theatres to screen these films, usually it will take the form of an art film festival in which the local indie films are packaged together as “international foreign-language films.” This phenomenon is not only ridiculous but also saddening, what more with the results of very few screenings, low publicity, and a weak market. In this regard, the screenings of the indie films are mostly underground, in places like cafes, multifunctional spaces or private studios. Besides, selling of DVDs is also an effective way of communication.

The production of indie films has always implicated an attitude of resistance. But how do they go beyond nationalist framework and unequal cultural policies, while maximizing their quality performance in this field that requires only low budget and with no or few prerequisites? Since it is called a “wave,” it also alludes to restless tides that move forward time and again. If we understand the wave as a form of non-stop movement, a phase that allows competing forces to go one after another ashore, then the “New Wave” is certainly not romanticized rhetoric that described an enclosed generation unilaterally.

The creative journey of Tan Chui Mui

If there weren’t any limitation and tough condition in Malaysia, like what has been mentioned above, it might be difficult to imagine the birth of the Malaysian New Wave. Tan Chui Mui, as the backbone of this movement, her pioneering and experimental attempts in image making is highly commendable, not to mention the way she deals with the proposition of individual and society.

A Tree in Tanjung Malim won her international acclaim such as at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. A self-proclaimed fictional “autobiography,” the film narrates the story of a truanted high-school girl and a “loser” guy who chat about nonsense, but it shows their wordless discontents about the insecure future, seemingly fearful yet escapist. In a nation like Malaysia which is structurally complex, it is difficult not to take into consideration of the politics of many situations, such as the national, the religious, the linguistic, the gender and the biopolitics of individuals.

One future (2009) features the politician Tian Chua who was a victim of the Internal Security Act (ISA), in which film he plays the role of a heretic in a future utopia, being taken away secretly by a mysterious man. South of South (2006) is about refugees and diaspora: the juxtaposition of a Chinese family living in Kuantan in the 1980s with a group of Vietnamese refugees. The South China Sea, through the camera, is seen as an image of drifting. Tan Chui Mui’s first feature film Love Conquers All (2006) consciously tells a cheesy love story, yet it is also a slap in the face for many infatuated girls who would do anything just for love. Company of Mushrooms (2006) tells the story of four crooked men who pretend to be scornful of their wives and daughters, but the men are reluctant to admit that they escape from home even for a short while precisely because they are troubled by women.

Tan Chui Mui’s second feature film Year Without A Summer (2010) can be seen as a masterpiece of this stage of her career. It is also a reflection of the course of her artistic creation. The film was shot in her hometown, Kampung Sungai Ular, using two-sectional flashbacks to trace the recalling of memory. A singer who has left home many years returns to his hometown besides the sea, riding on a boat under the full moonlight with his childhood best friend and the latter’s wife. They talk about all the beautiful legends and stories and even compete to hold breath as long as they can under the sea. Eventually, the singer is forever engraved in his birthplace. In the film, moonlight is the only source of lighting for shooting. In the scene of the night boat ride, the audiences are immersed in the almost all-dark atmosphere except for some weak lights on the screen, and can only glimpse at the peaceful sea surface in melancholic blues. To take the best shots, the filming schedule has to adhere to the moon phases, which is an obvious technical challenge for the shooting team.

Regardless of shorts or feature films, Tan Chui Mui’s cinematic world is often marked by her subtle sensitivity and the amusing but philosophical dialogues. Perhaps some would think that a director/author from a multiethnic society would always be self-conscious about the fluid relationship between oneself and the other; yet, even if this might not be unavoidable, it is undeniable that Tan’s works are filled with feelings of anxiety and sense of crisis in individuals’ daily, mundane life. These feelings can be political, from various aspects, yet they can also be a sorting of emotions in personal experiences.

* This article is an excerpt from a full article published on Funscreen Issue No. 628 on Aug 7, 2018, republished with permission from Funscreen and Taoyuan Film Festival 2018.