+Next Meeting

Next Meeting: Saturday, February 6, 2021

Date + Time: 5pm - 6:30pm PST

Location: Online; Zoom meeting.

RSVP: Kindly RSVP to aesjbookclub@gmail.com. You will be emailed the Zoom link a day prior to the event.

Recommendation: Download the latest version of Zoom at zoom.us/download.

Community + Conversational Guidelines:

Below are some practices and guidelines that can make virtual meetings productive and relational.

1. Listen + be heard. Mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking.

2. Take space + make space. Jump in, but also give others a chance to share or speak up.

3. Communicate in whatever way works best for you. Use the "raise hands", reactions +/or chat functions.

4. Be Present. Plan not to work on other tasks (like checking email) during the meeting.

5. Support + be supported. If this is your first time using the platform, we recommend arriving five (5) minutes early to ask the moderator questions, test your audio/video settings +/or to get situated.

READING: Please visit +Current Readings for the full list of assigned readings.

Questions? Send meeting-related questions, suggestions, + inspirations to aesjbookclub@gmail.com.

Art Education + Social Justice Book Club Rights Reserved. 2016. Art Credit: Jane Mount.