+Call to Action!

Readers + Writers, let's take action!

Do you ask yourself "What can I do?" or "How can I take action?" Below is a growing list of actions that you can take right now.

+ Today's or Daily Actions:

  • Reflect with family, friends, colleagues, and community members about current events + news stories. Reserve your time, thoughts, and emotional labor for people who want to compassionately listen + listen for understanding. Additionally, consider when and where you share your reflections (i.e. safe spaces, brave spaces.)

  • Identify your senators + representatives . They are people who want to hear their contituents (you!). For California residents, you can view your senators + representatives here .

  • Text "RESIST" to 50409. (Note: Text the word "RESIST" to Resistbot on Telegram, Messenger, Twitter or to 50409 on SMS and Resistbot wants to find out who you are in Congress, and deliver your message to them in 2 minutes No downloads or apps required. Resistbot is free of charge, but donations are encouraged.)

  • Sign or start an online petition for a cause that matters to you.

+ Weekly or Biweekly Actions:

  • Read about new or revised U.S. laws, proposed policies, + advocacy fact sheets. Fact-checking is important.

  • Post / Repost relevant articles, references, resources on your social media pages. Please share our AESJ Book Club Facebook Group page, too. Do not forget to use the hashtag: #aesjbookclub.

  • Write, journal, + / or document your journey.

  • Volunteer or Donate to grass-roots, change-making, and advocacy-led organizations, such as Kids at Need of Defense (KIND), RAICES., Immigrant Family Defense Fund + / or Texas Civil Rights Project. Donate what you can, when you can.

  • Change your social media profile picture to express your political position. Download Families Belong Together social graphics here.

+ Monthly Actions:

  • Talk with family, friends and colleagues about voting, voting dates, candidates, etc. Considering an Accountability Voting Buddy.

  • Join our Art Education + Social Justice Book Club Action Meeting. For more information about the next meeting, please visit +Next Meeting or join our AESJ Book Club Facebook Group.

  • Donate to Resistbot. Donations ensure that the service is free and accessible to the public.

  • Attend local marches + ralleys. Design your own poster, host a virtual poster-making party or print on artist-designed poster directly from your computer.

+ Biannual or Annual Actions:

  • Vote! Vote! Vote! Register to vote at your local post office, by mail, or online. Then, do your research on candidates and vote! Your vote is your voice. (If you are able, consider volunteering at your local polling place and serving as a poll worker.)

  • Voice your thoughts at a city council or townhall meeting. Each person from the public has 2 minutes to share your thoughts with city council members, unless otherwise noted.

  • Apply to a public or cultural policy fellowship, such as Activate or Coro Fellowship. Then, as an alumni consider serving as a mentor for others. Share your knowledge and continue to serve your community.

Do you have an action idea that you would like to add this list?

Please email aesjbookclub@gmail.com. Thank you!