
AE+SJ Book Club Meetings are scheduled on Facebook using Facebook Eventpages. A Facebook Eventpage, including the reading(s) + meeting information, is posted on the AE+SJ Book Club Facebook Group by the 15th of every month. Meetings are scheduled on the last week of the month. Meetings take place in community, art spaces, or cafes in Los Angeles, California.

Suggest our next meeting space! Please email suggestions to aesjbookclub@gmail.com.

Join us!

Please RSVP on the Facebook Eventpage or email AE+SJ Book Club at aesjbookclub@gmail.com at least a week prior to the meeting date and indicate whether you will be joining us in-person. Can't make the meeting in-person? Let's Google Hangout!

Art Education + Social Justice Book Club Rights Reserved. 2016. Art Credit: Jane Mount.