
Openings for new officers for the D&D Board are announced shortly after the fall conference. People may be nominated for open positions or they may self-nominate. Prior experience as an active member is encouraged but is not required.

The election takes place (via the AECT website) in February of each year, with the new officers taking their position starting with the Board of Directors meeting the following fall. For example, if a person is elected as a Board Member in February 2021, that member begins their term in October 2021.

To nominate others or to nominate yourself, please send a brief note of interest to the Past-president at aectdddivision@gmail.com

Who serves now? | Who has served in the past?

Upcoming Open Board Openings (2022 Election Cycle)


  • The President-elect serves in a three year cycle.

    • Year 1: President-elect. Serves as the division's conference coordinator

    • Year 2: President. Carries out vision for the organization

    • Year 3: Immediate past president. Coordinates election and does other tasks as assigned

Vice-President of Communications

  • Communicates to the division membership on behalf of the board

  • Member of the division leadership and plays a full role in all deliberations and decisions

  • Serves a two year term

Board Member

  • May chair one or more division committees

  • Serves a three year term

Other Positions

Each year the Divisions has the following opportunities:

  • Board Associate (for senior doctoral students, junior faculty, or early career practitioner).

  • Graduate Student Assembly Representative to the D&D Board

      • Nominations and appointments are handled by AECT's GSA