AECT Design & Development Division

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The purpose of the Division, which is part of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), is to facilitate continuous discourse among faculty, researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of instructional design and technology to promote the advancement of knowledge in the following areas:

  1. designing conditions for various instructional and learning processes and environments through principles of instructional systems design, communication and message design, instructional strategies, and learner and context characteristics;
  2. developing instructional and learning processes and environments;
  3. evaluating the adequacy of instruction and learning through principles of problem analysis, criterion-referenced measurement, and formative and summative evaluation.

Divison Objectives

The Division endorses the general purpose and the objectives of AECT as stated in Section I of the Bylaws of AECT. The Division shall in particular concern itself with the improvement of education, training, and the public welfare through the use of various processes for the rigorous design, development, evaluation, installation, dissemination, and management of instruction. The specific purposes and objectives of the Division are:

  • To study, evaluate, and refine the instructional design and development process
  • To encourage the creation of new models of instructional design and development
  • To encourage the invention and improvement of new methods and techniques for developing instruction
  • To promote the scientific management of instruction and of the development process
  • To disseminate findings concerning both theoretical and practical aspects of instructional design and development
  • To provide leadership for the varied interests of members of the Division
  • To foster cooperation and coordination among institutions, agencies, foundations, and organizations concerned with instructional design and development
  • To encourage the promotion of academic programs for preparing professional instructional designers and developers
  • To develop the effective practice of instructional design and development through all possible means consistent with the actions of a professional association and the tax-exempt status of AECT and the Division.