
Each year the awards listed below are sponsored by the Design and Development Division of AECT.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be recognized for your work and present that work at the conference —submit your nomination(s) as soon as possible!

Winners of AECT’s Design and Development Division Awards will be recognized at the D&D/RTD Luncheon and will be invited to deliver a presentation at a joint session with other winners during AECT’s Fall International Convention.

Information about each of the awards, including how to submit nominations, is detailed below. Please note that you may nominate your own work as well as the work of others. Nominations and accompanying materials are generally due no later than mid-March.

See the current announcement

Outstanding Journal Article Award

Articles nominated must have been published no earlier than (the year before the nomination) in a regularly published journal, and should be relevant to the broad field of instructional design. Anyone may submit a nomination.

The nomination procedure is outlined below:

  • Nominations will be by email. Self-nominations are welcomed. If you desire, you may include a short statement providing your rationale for the nomination.

  • A complete bibliographic citation should be included in the letter.

  • Current email address for the nominee should be included in the letter.

  • Send one PDF electronic copy of the article retaining the original published format to the award sponsor (see below) . Do not send a PDF file of a submitted manuscript, page proofs, etc. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will not be considered.

Outstanding Book Award

Books nominated must bear a copyright date of (no more than 3 years before the nomination) and should be relevant to the field of instructional design. Anyone (readers, authors, or publishers) who is aware of a book believed to warrant an award is encouraged to nominate it. The nomination procedure is outlined below:

  • Nominations will be by signed letter. Electronic submissions of letters are appropriate. You may include a short statement providing your rationale for nominating the book.

  • Complete bibliographic information should be included IN YOUR LETTER OF NOMINATION: author(s), name of book, where published and by whom, date of publication, and ISBN number if known.

  • You may provide as enclosures: copies of reviews, promotional literature, or other informational materials which help to describe the nature and quality of the book.

Send five copies of the nominated book and all of the above material to the award sponsor (see below).

Outstanding Practice Award

This award will be given to those individuals or groups that have designed exemplary instructional materials or systems. The materials or systems must have been designed no earlier than (the year before the nomination). In assessing the quality of the work submitted, judges will examine:

  • the instructional events (activities that constitute the materials or system)

  • the directions for using the materials or events

  • performance data and/or attitude data regarding the effectiveness of the instructional material or system (this information must be provided in order for the nomination to be considered)

Please discuss these items in your cover letter. To be considered for the award, send the material or system that was designed (or a description of the material or system), along with a cover letter to the award sponsor (see below).

Nova Southeastern Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student in Instructional Design

This award, which includes a $250 cash award, will be given to a graduate student who has designed exemplary instructional materials. The materials must have been designed while the nominee was enrolled as a graduate student and no earlier than (one year before the award). Nominations must include the materials that were designed along with a cover letter describing why the materials are exemplary, and should be sent to the award sponsor (see below).

Robert M. Gagne Award for Graduate Student Research in Instructional Design

This award, which will include a $250 check to the winner, will be given to a graduate student who has made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge upon which instructional design practices are based. The work must have been completed no earlier than one year before the nomination, while the nominee was enrolled as a graduate student. You may nominate any individual (including yourself) for the Robert M. Gagne Award. Nominations should include one unbound hard copy of the single piece of work (journal article, dissertation, etc.) being nominated, a PDF file of that same piece of work, and a brief cover letter. Send these materials to the award sponsor (see below).

Award Sponsor Contact Information

D&D Award Program Chair

Dr. Ike Choi,

Award Coordinators

Outstanding Journal Article Award: Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler;

Outstanding Book Award: Dr. Ross Perkins,

Outstanding Practice Award: Dr. Jason McDonald,

Nova Southeastern Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student in Instructional Design: Dr. Michael Simonson,

Robert M. Gagne Award for Graduate Student Research in Instructional Design: Dr. Janette Hill,