
D&D Showcase

The Design and Development (D&D) Showcase is an exclusive poster session that displays innovative training and educational programs that are grounded in theory and research. The Design and Development Showcase plays an important role in providing examples of quality training and educational programs. The Showcase will be open during regular session presentation times at the convention. Authors of accepted programs will have a table to display their materials and will be asked to prepare a poster describing key components of their program (e.g., goal/intent, target learners, foundations, design and development process, team members, cost). At least one of the authors of accepted proposals will be expected to register and be present during specified times (TBA) in order for other convention attendees to participate in the "Meet the D&D Showcase Teams.”

All invited authors will receive a certificate indicating their D&D Showcase proposal was rigorously reviewed by a panel of experts and accepted at the Showcase based on their excellence. They will also be invited to highlight their work in TechTrends and the D&D Division website.

Instructional Design Competition

For the past several years, the D&D Division has partnered with corporations, individuals, or organizations who sponsor an annual instructional design competition. The competition "problem statement" is announced in late fall and any group of instructional design students or working professionals can submit a preliminary response. The responses are judged by a group of peer reviewers, who then select the top six teams. The teams are then paired with a coach, who is typically a faculty member who teaches instructional design at a tertiary institution. From the top six teams who submit their problem solutions, the top three are chosen to attend the AECT annual convention to present their solutions to a panel of judges. The winner is announced at the convention's annual luncheon co-sponsored by the Design & Development division and the Research & Theory Division.

See More on the "Competition" page.

Professional Development Webinars

Our PD Webinars are *FREE* to all AECT members, even if they are not part of D&D (though we hope you are!)

Upcoming Topics (look for an AECT email for details)

Previous topics included:

  • How to Submit a Successful Proposal to the AECT D&D Division
  • My Top 10 Book Picks for the Complete Instructional Designer from Outside the ID World
  • Designing for Problem Solving
  • Preparing a submission for the D&D Design Competition
  • A Conversation with the Eminent Scholar about the Secrets of Designing Games for Learning
  • IJDL: Creating and Disseminating Design Knowledge
  • Now that I have an Educational/Instructional Technology degree, what can I do with this degree?
  • Designing Inquiry-based Virtual Environments
  • What is Design? ... and what are the implications of emerging views on design for ISD?

Other Resources

D&D Knowledge Repository by Dr. Dirk Infenthaler -