When All Has Gone Tits Up

  1. Far Away

  2. The Passing & The Sway

  3. The Boatman

  4. When All has Gone Tits Up

  5. A Day for Sleepers

  6. She

  7. Long Days Past

  8. The Orange Man

  9. Sin City

  10. Christmas Time’s a-Coming

Singer-songwriter music (2017)

Recorded in 2017, the very first Tempus Cucumis album was conceived as a musical challenge: writing, recording and releasing a complete song in one single day, for nine glorious summer weeks. Ranging from ballads to Waits-esque pop music, When All has Gone Tits Up turned out to be the beginning of a wonderful musical adventure, to be called Tempus Cucumis.

When All has Gone Tits Up.pdf