Hi ! Welcome to my little paradise, yours, sanctuary I call ๐˜ƒ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ป and yes, all the emojis above are navigation options, as some images may or can be protected for or to some CNNs (Convolutional neural network) and others like Lens features because i consider privacy important at least for me and just like here there is no mental or visual imagery nowhere cos this days well... It should be obvious that end users do not think like developers and looks like vise versa to. My name is Adelino Saldanha, i am from Portugal, Braga with Portuguese nationality (raised and born) and as far i know and INE country data says there are only two persons with my name in this country although there are apparently many profiles with my name and they are not mine but i usted to be known by some nick names like kernelx64, war10ck, unknown, gozil4, thE gUArDIaN angeL (who by the way the caps contain the anagram of my fist name) and linux (cos i saw "linux born" doing be from the previous time of the ./startx and the time we have to had to hard copy the 20mb hd and cross your fingers that everything went well) in the last decade and many others thru three decades of computing and tech and this is my last one in my humble existance. I was born in May the 4th , only son from my parents mariage. Some friends say the force borned with me and the pun to. My alltime super hero is Silver Surfer and in my chillhodd prefered toy was Lego's. This content nothing have to do with AL or Rural Tourism and to clarify the less informed wooden or autonomous houses are not synonymous with the same. This a way of life and actually i live off-the-grid by option and choice autonomous and for questions of sustainability but I spent many years living in others EU city's majors and not in the past, like Madrid for instance, where I lived four years, but fifteen years ago, decided to change my job, and I moved to here again. I did worked to some majors and not software house's company's. Things i usted and i like are computer science, astronomy, outdoor life, music, radical sports, like surf, skydiving, star wars and fantasy literature, ham radio, among many others things and this is one of my few thamixs to keep alive my back in the days mixtapes. Computers first appered in my life when I was eight years old when I discovered basic language with my spectrum 48K and i still rememeber the first lines of code of the game i was playing, the BBS's, the phones booth's, analog lines and the famous 90's call back box's then I had got my first real computer 8086 and i met the MS-DOS. At first, I was just playing computer games, but some time later, I noticed that I could do a lot more things with the computer, for example programming, I learned several languages and keep programing. This days some are dead languages and i usted to keep doing some things just for fun and to don't keep my "oldness" getting the goods of me, but now no. I like long powerwalks and hiking (thru and in nature), surf and skydiving (also scuba diving and diving) and very young in the 80's, 90โ€™s and 2kโ€™s i was a ham radio, now i am only just in qap listen ham, satellites, and the space and like many things i see this hobby dimm and vanish and not only cos the internet or cos is old and for old people like "they say". My favorite "intelectual" game is Prince of Persia, Sokoban and i allways loved Outrun since de 90's. I allready acomplished many things, some i can talk others not really but this is all part of me, myself, and i am not here to delight no one. I live to find myself and donโ€™t tell me Iโ€™m less than my freedom. With age and with my aging process I am realizing some things and although I love computers and computing and it is increasingly becoming extremely easy and accessible I increasingly like less, have patience and or tolerance as well as spending time my time with, although ironically I have more time available (it's an age and oldness thing i supose). No, I don't have social media nor do I intend to and my entire online presence is described in here so stop anoying'me telling'me the "i'm not normal" and "isย  cos my oldness". By the way, to not forget mention this days computing and related to me is only in the user's perspective and even that way i have to wake'up in a good mood. More than three decades! to me is enought and honestly i just dont allow my age and my skills be used like spark, ignition or to competion things people evey day passby need to feed herselfs, well i think socials and not only allready accomplish do not only that task and job but such more in my humble point of view and opinion.

the age we living'it ?! Well...ย 

The benefits of the Internet and social media are unquestionably fantastic. In many ways, this is the best time in history to be alive. But perhaps these technologies are having some unintended social side effects. Perhaps these same technologies that have liberated and educated so many are simultaneously enabling peopleโ€™s sense of entitlement more than ever before. Weโ€™re all, for the most part, pretty average people. But itโ€™s the extremes that get all of the publicity. We kind of know this already, but we rarely think and/or talk about it, and we certainly never discuss why this could be a problem. Having the Internet, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and access to five hundredโ€“plus channels of television is amazing. But our attention is limited. Thereโ€™s no way we can process the tidal waves of information flowing past us constantly. Therefore, the only zeroes and ones that break through and catch our attention are the truly exceptional pieces of informationโ€”those in the 99.999th percentile. All day, every day, we are flooded with the truly extraordinary. The best of the best. The worst of the worst. The greatest physical feats. The funniest jokes. The most upsetting news. The scariest threats. Nonstop. Our lives today are filled with information from the extremes of the bell curve of human experience, because in the media business thatโ€™s what gets eyeballs, and eyeballs bring dollars. Thatโ€™s the bottom line. Yet the vast majority of life resides in the humdrum middle. The vast majority of life is unextraordinary, indeed quite average.

This flood of extreme information has conditioned us to believe that exceptionalism is the new normal.

Let's face it, Nature is already scrud'ed.ย  The question is whether it is possible for us to have a future.

Mars !?...

Mars serves the same purposes today as the Moon in 1968, being symbolic in a double sense. Whoever arrives first scores a point, demonstrates their technological advancement and, this trio, also makes it clear where the "taco" is on Earth. To prove that there is life or not on Mars is merely secondary, in view of the speeches and projects that are already being talked about for the colonization of the planet. It is part of the "magical realism" of all this It is necessary in my optics to "starwarize" and create a regulatory and protection entity for both, space and the Universe. Beside all am really disguted about the instalation of the nuclear reactor in the moon.