You rinkled old bastard,

What is a ASKard? 

ASKard (noun): A non-screen production credit also knowed by "minhas calinadas" verbal's that is usual on the end accompanie by the finger sometimes in my conversations or at some point to provoque a silence or a awkward one or a mindblowing usualy no more than half a minute at the end of the same. Named because cos sometimes conversation are purely bullshit any non profit participatory participants. The constantly use may provoque lonelyness looks of contempt and disdain.

# 2010 These days the fantastic and the extraordinary have been trivialized and made the new normal.

#23196 Freedom is not just physical freedom, it is social and psychological.

#24061 We evolve technologically and human beings remain the same.

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#24206 Everytime i bring'up the matter you pretended to be a sleep.

Go figure with i learned that trick, stop complaining. 

#24207 The more they look the more they see. Yeah i kinda do that effect.

#24208 In the past people and animals surrounded me like i was the f* Cinderella.

#24209 OMFG! They God i'm a strawberry cos she's gonna peel'you like an orange.

#24210 You say tomato, but babe today i say you are don't get any. 

#24211 This morning I put a banana between two oranges and laughed like a teen.

We have to admit : it's a healthy breakfast.

#24212 Womans are like 7-eleven for babies.

If you have a problem with that take'it with Mother nature. 

#24213 Womens allways loved kick a guy with verbal judo. 

#24214 Lets not go bananas. We are not bad people. We're normal.

Are we the worst people of the world? NO! Could we improve ? Problaly not. 

#24215 He is thinking with a body part you even't have. I do that a lot.

#24216 I understand that control and knowledge what is happening globally in all aspects surpasses the best and even the highest standards, but apart from that, without a doubt, now it becomes imperative for me to say :

With so much AI, so much development and progress, I still have to press the power button on my smartphone 5 times to send the emergency SOS cos i cannot via 

"Hey google" with only a single voice or text command. 

Can you Imagine the indignation! Have you the ability to see ?!

I hope that at least changes very soon or is security in all senses and aspects no longer a thing for human behings!? Or does security no longer fits with always connected or internet?

Just saying cos if a f* old dumbass like me can understand this i keep wondering why others dont...

#24217 The supreme weapon in diplomacy always was and ever will be information. 

#24218 Talking about your visual enhancements cos I am definitely a lost cause allready...

What kind of panties you have on' it. 

#24219 I think it's tasting you caring about me. 

#24220 One of my theories is : when the fart increases the sex decreases. 

#24221 Nature always finds a good or a bad way to make'us feel small. 

#24222 A mim faz-me imensa confusão certa coisas e as Câmaras Municipais terem verbas do orçamento de estado para a execução e sinalização de trilhos públicos e eu ter de pagar numa app para ter acesso aos mesmos porque não se encontram disponíveis no respectivo site da Câmara Municipal ou Juntas de Freguesia é uma delas. Há coisas que não simplesmente não compreendo.

Eu faço o trilho de graça, tive que pagar o mapa do percurso gps pela app, publico e faço divulgação e ninguém me dá ou patrocina equipamentos ou sapatilhas e parte da verba atribuída pelo estado para a execução do trilho é dos meus impostos. WTF!!! Pois entendo agora porque não bato bem da mona.

#24223 I started to notice that now even on Google Maps people have the need to share selfies in photos of the location and ... When I mentioned certain subjects and theories a few years ago they said I was "nuts and crazy". Take it now then. I told you so.

#24224 Com uma testa dessas até da vontade. 

#24225 The world have 7 wonders that's a fact, not counting your three.

#24226 Mothers who have daughters like this should give birth four times a year like the seasons.

#24227 Oh gourgeous!... I wish I were a butcher just to put a hand on your fever.

#24228 Must her father be a bricklayer? She has a body that is a masterpiece!

#24229 A beautiful woman is not one whose legs or arms are praised, but one whose entire

appearance is of such beauty that it leaves no room for admiring isolated parts.

#24230 I want to apologize to all the women I described as beautiful before saying smart or brave.

#24231 ⁠I know that I'm intelligent and that sometimes I hide it so as not to offend others

with my intelligence.

#24232Well, I think that our evolution has immense disparities and one of them is at the hardware level, processors are increasingly smaller, faster and more and more powerful even with AI incorporated and the software increasingly needs more space. Go figure the irony.

*by the way, has anyone noticed that the cumulative update KB5037771 makes gigas of space disappear like the times I like to f* in the week or  this things only happen to me and on my asus laptop.

I don't even want to mention if the update is done via the stand-alone offline file because then it looks like a space-sucking pump.

#24233 I'm an emocional multitasker sweetheart. 

#24234 Do you want anything?! Yeah, toothbrush. Yours is a little rough. 

#24235 A spy it's just a criminal with a government paycheck, like this days 95% of the hackers too. 

#24236 I want to make it clear that I am gonna win the challenge badges (in the outdooractive app) but I'm not competing for first place or any, although I know I can and even should but I choose not to.

It like fun, only different. 

#24237 A million in hundreds of millions is nothing but in half a dozen it makes a complete difference. Then say I wasn't right.

#24238 Facto: Um português vai para o brasil uns tempos volta para Portugal a falar Português do Brasil com o sotaque e tudo, um brasileiro está em Portugal anos e continua a falar brasileiro, Português do Brasil.

Considero-me inteligente mas perguntar-me que fenómeno é este supera-me, por isso não me estranha nada que filhos respondam "tô brincando" e de certeza não e por causa das telenovelas da TV nem por causa da boazona novinha da babysitter e outro facto é: não tentem corrigir um brasileiro em Portugal com na língua portuguesa.

#24237 In life there is the hard way and the easy way they say, but i keep like'it and using my way. 

#24238 As if the past wasn't already a kind of mexican soap opera, and not believing it's google I have "someone", let's call him that, who assigns "temporarily closed" to the places I create in gmaps...

Can cross my mind a few of persons who need the pleasure of just cos...I think everyone knows the type.

Back'in'tha'days this or bullies was resolved in an instant like a snap of a finger, but now I simply don't care, but I'm not making this public due to the "new/modern rule" of "privacy" that uses public exposure as a form of security, I'm making this public to prove my point and theory of the so-called “evolved society” not to mention other things and who speaks in parallel through public social networks between the lines as everyone can see, or maybe not doing her evolution. I prefer to be in prehistory.

#24239 Forgiveness is a process with PID but without alt.ctrl.del endtask

#24240 Now i have to explain to Mrs Core she don't gonna have Kernel time.

#24241 She is a delicated flower but gladly for me i have a green thumb.

#24242 We never were good on this, that's why a bed a sofa is always a solution.

#24243 Perhaps it is not such a bad idea the UE to have a free public shared database with all the trails, eco paths and pedestrian paths, after all it was and one of the promoters, funders and financier of the currents and the existings.

#24244 People usted to call'me like they was in a sibetian gulah

#24245 Have fun with your future Christmas ghost. 

#24246 You call'me old timer again and you are gonna be using your ass in your head like a hat. 

#24247 Me and her!? We love and hate each other. It's always each other.

So you better work on that poker face.

#Against facts there are not arguments. Ohhh and I have a lot. 

#Talk amongst yourselves like if it was the 90's.

created by |〈, AS, thenerd. Deliquent Productions