In the News
Objetos contaminados são mais bem recordados pela memória humana (in Portuguese). Investigação dos polos CINTESIS e WJMC da UA.
Adaptive Memory: The Mnemonic Value of Contamination. Featured in "research@ua".
Television interview with Josefa Pandeirada (in Portuguese). On the "Mentes que Brilham" Program, Porto Canal.
Mating and Memory for Faces. By Rover Burris. On the website: Psychology Today.
To remember, just ask about survival. By Stephan Lewandowsky. In the "Featured Content" blog on the website of the Psychonomic Society.
Summoning the past: Why this and not that? By Wray Herbert. In "Full Frontal Psychology" (a blog housed by the Association for Psychological Science.)
Legacy of the Stone-Age Mind: Research suggests we remember better when we're in survival mode. By Valerie Ross. In Scienceline: the shortest distance between you and science.
Ancestral Imprint. Science, Volume 324, Number 5930, p. 995. (May 2009)
The Corners of My (Stone-Age) Mind. By Wray Herbert. In "We're only Human" (a blog housed by the Association for Psychological Science.)
Memory Evolution: Discovery of Why and How We Remember. By Rocz-de la Luz, N. C. In Psychology Alert: Reviews of Cutting Edge Psychology Articles
Survival Is Memorable, But Do You Want to Go There? By David Lundberg Kenrick. Psychology Today article on films we remember. (April 2, 2010).
You Can't Remember Where Your Keys Are. In Neuroscientifically Challenged: Making advances in neuroscience understandable to the beginning neuroscientist.
Survival of the fittest... memories. By Dave Munger. In Cognitive Daily: A new cognitive psychology article nearly every day.