
Logo contest

After having chosen not more than 5 logos per country, partners organized logo contest. 235 students from different schools involved in the project have decided on the winner logo, which won with 28,5% of the votes. Here is the winning logo. Congratulations to our Romanian colleagues who are the authors!

Here are the other 16 logos which were presented in the contest.

Erasmus+ Days

School partners celebrated Erasmus Days from 10th to 12th October doing different activities with pupils and parents.

What do we need from what we buy?

Teachers in schools organized a workshop in which they discussed what we really need for living. We put emphasis on values which often can't be bought, at least not for all individuals at all times in all places. Values such as health care, education or freedom of speech are very important but not everybody can afford it.

Anticonsumerism poster

Each school has worked on this info with their students: thinking about the message, catchword, images/ drawings.

Another school created the poster with the information from the other school.

Christmas activities

Before Christmas holidays partner countries shared good wishes in different ways.

Greek pupils sent postcards to partners saying Merry Chritmas in different languages.

Spanish school displayed magnificent nativity scene with motifs from partner countries. They also had a charity market.

Polish pupils created a video sending all the best for Christmas.

Croatian school decorated a pinboard with the message of anticonsumerism at this time of increased shopping.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On February 11th videoconference was organized. Students presented their national woman scientists and the students that will travel to Croatia presented themselves. We have learned a lot about women scientists from each partner country. Here you can see the results and also learn something new.

World Book Day

FOUR LITTLE CORNERS is a story of inclusion. Children were presented the story on You Tube, which enabled them to understand the story better.

After reading it, our pupils reflected on these questions:

• The physical and social problems that a person can find throughout his life, whether by architectural or social barriers.

• The differences between people: capacities, needs …

• The importance of adapting situations, places or contexts to the needs of each person.

Then, we proposed children if they come up with other possible solutions so that the square can go into the house.

Here are some of the results they came up with:

1. We can change the world. Everyone can change the world.

2. If we want to change sth we should try to start from ourselves.

3. If there is a problem we can always ask an expert for help.

4. We can always change the method of our action.

The message is that all the people are different and all the people face problems but if we try we might find a solution. So we must help our friends and don't exclude them because of their problems.

Every person of this planet is different: one is tall, one is short, one is fat, the other one is thin , one is black and the other one is white…

To be different is great!!!

Speaking slogans workshop

Pupils were given a task to reflect on the language of commercial industry. The conclusions are:

1. The language of advertisements is always exaggerated and overwhelming, and even convinces us of ideas that are not true.

2. We pay more attention to ads because they use this exaggerated language.

3. It is still used because it works, it attracts people's attention, it is a way of using language to try to shows the products' worth/characteristics. In the end it serves the purpose, it makes us buy the products.

They also had to create a conversation using the unique advertisement language. Here are their works.

Goodbye meeting

June 6th 2020 was the date of the Zoom meeting with the purpose of saying goodbye at the end of the first year of our project. Pupils and teachers discussed the following questions:

  1. How did you spend your time in quarantine?

  2. What can you change so that life would no longer offer us quarantine periods?

  3. What did you learn from the experience of spending time in the house?

  4. What are your vacation plans?

  5. What are your hopes for our Erasmus project?

Pupils stated that this was, along with the chat in TwinSpace, their favourite project activity.

Communication during Corona

Since the mobilities had to be cancelled partners communicated online, via chat on TwinSpace.

National monuments puzzles

Each country chose an image of their monument, made a puzzle with the Jigsaw Planet application. After putting the link in the Twinspace, the rest of the countries had to find out what monument it is and where it is.

Here are the links to the puzzles.

Collage with the monuments of each country

Pupils created a collage in their class with the monuments of each country, the pictures and some info about them. Some work was done online due to Covid-19 lockdown, for example Polish pupils and Italian pupils while some pupils created callage in their schools and displayed it on pinboards.

Collage in Croatian school
Collage in Spanishschool

Exhibition of national monuments

The students and their families built the monuments from all the partnering countriees and organized an exhibition in their school. Watch the videos of the exibitions.

Advent calendars

An optional activity of our project was creating and sending our partners an advent calendar related to our monuments and our traditions to compliment the Christmas. Here are the links: Croatia, Poland and Italy.

Christmas traditions

For all the participating countries Christmas presents a very special holiday and children enjoy creating all sorts of presntations with this theme. Here are their videos about Christmas traditions.

Ads, traditions and interviews

Since ads are the central point of our project pupils had searched for advertisments connected with the traditions and celebrations. Take a look at some of them and then listen to the interviews made based on them.

Video chat in French

Since some schools in the project have French as a second language, they organized a video chat and had a good time chatting.