Japanese Active Matter Society

 This is the homepage of the Japanese Active Matter Society.

アクティブマター研究会の日本語のページは こちら

Active Matter Workshop 2025

The next meeting will be held in 2025. Details will be posted here. 

Who we are:

The Japanese Active Matter Society is the Japanese community of active matter researchers. 

Active matter refers to objects that exhibit spontaneous motion and groups of such objects. Examples of active matter include both biological and artificial systems. Systems of interest in the active matter research field cover a wide range of length scales. For example, biological active matter ranges from nanometer-sized molecular motors, micrometer-sized cells, multicellular tissues on the scale of millimeters to centimeters, to organisms as well as groups of organisms, which can be larger than meters. The time scales also vary from seconds to days. Active matter research aims to understand the universal principles of active dynamics on various length and time scales. We also expect that active matter research promotes understanding of mechanisms in living systems. 

Active matter is at a state far from equilibrium. It produces mechanical energy to undergo spontaneous motion. At the same time, the energy is dissipated through the spontaneous motion. This balance makes active matter a nonequilibrium open system. Understanding underlying mechanisms in active matter systems is of importance not only as a project of fundamental science but also for practical applications such as bio-inspired engineering. Therefore, active matter is investigated from various viewpoints including physics, mathematical science, chemistry, biology, as well as engineering. 

The Japanese Active Matter Society provides opportunities for researchers from different background who work on the interdisciplinary research field of active matter to gather and share ideas to promote a deeper understanding of active matter.

Organising committee:

Hiroyuki Ebata (Kyushu Univ.)

Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)

Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)

Mitsusuke Tarama (Kyushu Univ.)

Address of the web page:


