アクティブマター研究会 2023

Active Matter Workshop 2023

Venue: Meiji Univ. (Nakano campus)

Date: January 27 - 28, 2023


We are pleased to announce that the Active Matter Workshop 2023 will be held on January 27 and 28, 2023.

There are three invited lectures. In addition, there is an opportunity for participants to give contributed presentations on all fields of active matter.

The workshop is planned to be held in an on-site format at Meiji University (Nakano campus). Please note that depending on the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic it might be held online via Zoom webinar.

The deadline for the abstract submission for contributed presentations is Dec. 31, 2022.

The deadline for registration for participants without presentation is Jan. 20, 2023.

See below for the details of registration and abstract submission.

Presentations will be given in English, but students can select to present in Japanese for their contributed presentations.

Important Dates

  • Oct., 2022: Open for the registration and the abstract submission for contributed presentations

  • Dec. 31, 2022: Deadline for the abstract submission for contributed presentations

  • Jan. 20, 2023: Deadline for participation without presentation

  • Jan. 27, 2023: Active Matter Workshop 2023 (Day 1)

  • Jan. 28, 2023: Active Matter Workshop 2023 (Day 2)


Meiji Univ. (Nakano campus) See the access from the following link.



January 27 (Fri) - 28 (Sat), 2023

Invited lectures

  • Chiho Watanabe (Hiroshima University)

"Active droplets design and their behavior"

  • Hisashi Murakami (Kyoto Institute of Technology)

"Mutual anticipation can facilitates self-organization in animal groups"

  • Yutaka Sumino (Tokyo University of Science)

"Dynamics and control of the injection front induced by precipitation formation"


The workshop will start in the morning of Jan. 27, 2022, and end in the afternoon of Jan. 28, 2022.

The details of the program is available from the following links.


Contributed presentations

We accept abstracts for contributed presentations (approx. 20 min each).

If you wish to give a contributed presentation, first finish the registration by 2022/12/31 (Sat) from the registration.

Then, submit the abstract by 2022/12/31 (Sat) via email to the organizers (active2023@googlegroups.com). Please find the template below and prepare a pdf file with your name in the file name as "abstract_FirstName_LastName.pdf".

If the number of submissions exceeds the number of slots for contributed presentations, the speakers will be selected based on the abstracts.


To attend the workshop, registration is required also for participants without presentation.

To attend the workshop with a presentation, please finish the registration and abstract submission by 2022/12/31 (Sat) from the registration page.

To attend the workshop without presentation, please finish the registration by 2023/1/20 (Fri) from the registration page.

Please feel free to contact the organising committee if you have any questions.

Links to the registration page and the abstract template

Organising committee

Hiroyuki Ebata (Kyushu Univ.)

Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)

Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)

Mitsusuke Tarama (Kyushu Univ.)


E-mail: active2023@googlegroups.com

Link to the webpage of the Japanese Active Matter Society