アクティブマター研究会 2020

Active Matter Workshop 2020

Venue: Meiji University

Date: January 10 - 11, 2020


The Active Matter Workshop 2020 will be held at Meiji University on January 10 and 11, 2020.

The invited lectures consist of one plenary lecture and six focused lectures. The topic of the focused lectures is "Crawling motion". There is also opportunity for participants to give contributed presentations on all fields of active matter.

The deadline for the registration for participation and contributed presentations is Dec. 13 Dec. 20, 2019. The deadline for the abstract submission is Dec. 20, 2019. See below for the details of registration and abstract submission.

All presentations will be given in English.

Important Dates

  • Dec. 20, 2019: Deadline for the registration for participation and contributed presentations

  • Dec. 20, 2019: Deadline for abstract submission

  • Jan. 10, 2020: Active Matter Workshop 2020 (Day 1)

  • Jan. 11, 2020: Active Matter Workshop 2020 (Day 2)


Meiji University Nakano Campus

Find how to access the venue from here.


January 10 (Fri) - 11 (Sat), 2020

Plenary lecture

  • Matthew Turner (University of Warwick)

"Collective thinking in collective motion"

Focus lectures on "Crawling motion"

  • Pierre Sens (Institut Curie)

"A scallop theorem for crawling cells"

  • Yoshiaki Iwadate (Yamaguchi University)

"Rigidity sensing for directional migration in fast crawling cells"

  • Mayuko Iwamoto (Shimane University)

"Mechanism of Crawling Locomotion in Gastropods"

  • John J. Molina (Kyoto University)

"Modeling the mechanosensitive response of crawling cells"

  • Satoshi Sawai (University of Tokyo)

"Crawling morphology and collective migration in amoeboid cells"


The workshop will start in the morning of Jan. 10, 2020, and end in the afternoon of Jan. 11, 2020.

See the following pdf file for the details and abstracts.

PDF file of the program and abstracts

Contributed presentations

We accept abstracts for contributed presentations (approx. 15 min each).

If you wish to give a contributed presentation, first finish the registration by 2019/12/13 (Fri) 2019/12/20 (Fri) from the registration page.

Then, submit the abstract by 2019/12/20 (Fri) via email to the organisers (active2020@googlegroups.com). Find the template below and prepare a pdf file with your name in the file name as "abstract_FirstName_LastName.pdf".

If the number of submissions exceeds the number of slots for contributed presentations, the speakers will be selected based on the abstracts.


To attend the workshop, finish the registration by 2019/12/13 (Fri) 2019/12/20 (Fri) from the registration page.

Organising committee

Hiroyuki Ebata (Kyushu Univ.)

Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)

Nobuhiko J. Suematsu (Meiji Univ.)

Mitsusuke Tarama (RIKEN BDR)

Tomohiko Yamaguchi (Meiji Univ.)


E-mail: active2020@googlegroups.com