
Mobilizers engage community members on an existing campaign. Mobilizing often focuses on encouraging people to take action or volunteer on a predetermined issue or campaign.

Work through the following sections to help you become an ACORN Canada leader:

1. The Basics

  • Familiarize yourself with the basics of ACORN Canada
  • Read about our principles and structure

2. Our Campaigns

  • Check out our key campaigns, making sure you understand each one
  • Take a small step to support each campaign
  • Spread the word on Social Media!

3. Take Action

  • Contact decision makers to demand change and encourage others to do the same
  • Build your call list and spread the message by calling and canvassing
  • Organize a meeting to build relationships, mobilize others to join ACORN, and plan actions

What Makes a Good Leader?

Learn more about leadership at ACORN Canada here: