Fifth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction

December 4-6, 2018

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Long and Short Papers

We invite long and short papers. While for short papers we welcome contributions that present work in progress, full papers are expected to present work that is at a relatively advanced stage and has already yielded results other researchers or practitioners could potentially benefit from.

Submissions must be anonymous, which means that authors and their institutions must be omitted from the submitted file. References to the authors’ previous work may be made in third person.

Long papers must be no more than 10 pages plus up to 2 pages of references. Short papers must be no more than 5 pages plus up to 1 page of references.

Submissions must be made as a single PDF file in the ACM SIGCHI paper format:

You may also submit a supplementary MP4 video of up to 3 minutes and 50MB, but this is not necessary.

All submissions will undergo a double blind review and will be selected based on the quality of their contribution. Each submission will be reviewed by a minimum of 3 reviewers drawn from the program committee and from a panel of domain experts.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACI2018 Conference Proceedings, provided that at least one of the authors registers for ACI2018 and attends the conference to present.