Fifth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction

December 4-6, 2018

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Doctoral Consortium

As a discipline, ACI is still taking shape and doing a doctoral degree in ACI is likely to present students with challenges that are specifically related to the novelty of their chosen topics; it is also likely that some of these challenges will be shared. To provide students with additional support towards completing their degree, we are holding a doctoral consortium. During this session students will be able to briefly present their work to peers and researchers, and discuss specific challenges they might have encountered during their studies.

Submissions should include the following:

  • an abstract of their proposal or dissertation (up to 5 pages plus up to 1 page of references) detailing what degree they are pursuing, their research topic and questions, and any issues that they have encountered and wish to discuss at the Consortium
  • a cover letter summarizing:
    1. their topic
    2. the name and email of their advisor (we will ask the advisor for a recommendation)
    3. when they plan to graduate (what their status is)
    4. whom they would they like feedback from (experts in the field)

Submissions must be made as a single PDF file in the ACM SIGCHI extended abstract format:

Applications to the Doctoral Consortium will be juried and selected based on clarity of topic presentation and relevance of issues raised. Accepted abstracts will be included in the ACI2018 Conference Proceedings, provided that the author registers to ACI2018 to present.

Please send your submission directly to Heli Väätäjä ( with the subject `ACI2018 DC submission'.