Best Restaurants Mandurah

10 Best Restaurants in Mandurah WA

Some of the best restaurants in Mandurah are some of the best restaurants in Perth. Below our food critic has compiled a list of the 10 best restaurants in Mandurah/Peel region of Western Australia. It includes star rating, restaurant photos, review, location, type of cuisine, links and description.  Some of the restaurants are Mandurah hotel restaurants and some are independent restaurants. There is a good variety of restaurants in Mandurah including ethnic restaurants such as Indonesian, Indian and Chinese restaurants. Fast food / take away restaurants, cafes, catering companies and Mandurah hotel restaurants can all be included in our new list of the best restaurant in Mandurah.

Further south of Mandurah we provide good Spanish food catering services to Dunsborough and Spanish food catering in the Margaret River Region.

The best Indonesian restaurant in Mandurah and the best Indonesian Restaurant in Perth. Indonesian family owned restaurant serving genuine cuisine from all over Indonesia. My favourite meal at Warrang Ade is beef rendang, a recipe from Sumatra.

Awarded 5 out of 5 star restaurant.

Warung Ade phone number: 08 9557 5060

Mandurah address location:  52 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah WA 6210 near Manjar Bay. 

Warung Ade Indonesian Restaurant Mandurah

Outdoor dining at Warung Ade near Manjar Bay.

Delicious beef rendang and beef satay.

Delicious beef rendang and beef satay


Mandurah Restaurants


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