Union Flag 1865-1871

1865-1871 Union Flag, Jonesborough

25 August 1865 - Union Flag, East Tennessee, Jonesborough
25 August 1865 - Union Flag

3 November 1865 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Education

The institution in our pleasant town, formerly known as the "Odd Fellow's Female College" has now formally passed into the hands of the M.E. Church. The Board of Trustees was organized on the evening of the 26th ult. Judge Butler was called to the Chair, and James H. Dosser was appointed Secretary. After a statement of the object of the meeting by Rev. W.H. Rogers, Agent, the Board of Trustees was appointed. Rev. L.F. Drake was make President, James H. Dosser, Secretary, D.J. Gibson, Treasurer of the Board.

The noble work of education should be one of the grand objects of every citizen now, more than ever. With such and efficient Board of Trustees as have been appointed for this Institution, the public may expect the interest of the College to be property looked after. Already the school in progress by Mrs. Drake and Miss Ella Lucky in this institution is meeting with success, and is an honor to all concerned and the country. We trust a glorious future awaits this institution.

24 November 1865 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Local Items

The meeting appointed at the Odd Fellows Female College for this evening to form a Literary Society, has been postponed until the religious revival is closed.

8 December 1865 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - Local Items

The society known as the "Young Men's Literary and Christian Association" will meet on Wednesday evening next at the Jonesborough Female College.

12 July 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesboro, TN
20 July 1866 - Union Flag
29 June 1866 - Union Flag

9 February 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Local Items - Jonesborough Female College -

The trustees have commenced in employing Professor James G. Foye to take charge of the Jonesborough Female College, which will be open for pupils on Tuesday, the 20th of February. For the past two years he was Professor of Natural Science in a first class female college in Cincinnati, Ohio. He comes to us highly recommended by the best scholars and educators of our country. We trust that our districts of both town and country would provide themselves of the opportunity to send their daughters where they can receive a first class education. Board, we learn, can be had in private families from three to four dollars per week. Miss Clara Drake will be an assistant teacher in the institution, therefore her school, as advertised will not be opened for scholars until the 20th inst. The terms of tuition for the five month session will be published next week.

16 February 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Educational

We would respectfully call the attention of our readers of the advertisement of the Jonesborough Female College. Let all who have daughters and who appreciate the importance of educators not neglect the present opportunity to give them the benefit of this institution. Prof. Foye, the President, comes highly recommended as an able and efficient [leader?] and we hope to see the College flourish as never a school in this country before. Let your daughters come from far and from near and commence at the beginning of the session. The commencement of the first session of the school will not take place on the 20th inst. as recorded in the Circular sent out, but is postponed til Monday, the 26th.

6 April 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4

Rev. Dr. Drake will deliver a lecture in this place on Tuesday night, 12th inst. for the benefit of the Jonesborough Female College. Subject - "The Dignity of Man". All are invited to attend.

13 April 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4

We are requested to say that the lecture of Rev. L.F. Drake for the benefit of the Female College at this place is postponed until Thursday the 19th inst. Music by the pupils under superintendence of Professor Dillworth. Admission free. All are invited to attend.

27 April 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4

Last Thursday eve, Rev. Dr. Drake delivered a lecture for the benefit of the Female College, after which funds to the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars were collected for the purpose of enclosing the grounds and making other necessary repairs. The college has made a fine opening, already numbering sixty students and is constantly increasing. The charter has passed both branches of legislature and become law. We hope our citizens will not be satisfied until the Jonesborough Female College shall have all the facilities of, and in every respect be at least equal to any institution the country. The first half session closes May fourth, and we then expect to hear of a great increase of patronage.

7 July 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4

Remember the examination at the Female College to come off on the 12th inst.

13 July 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4

We will publish a full report of the Commencement Exercises of the Jonesboro Female College in our next issue, as we have not room this week. We will say however, that both teachers and pupils acquitted themselves in a manner equitable to the extreme. The school closed with prospects for a bright future.

20 July 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Jonesboro Female College

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 11th and 12th inst., we had the pleasure of attending the examination of the the students of this institution, and we are happy to state that the teachers and pupils acquitted themselves equal to any examination that we have ever remembered. From morning until late in the afternoon on both dates, the citizens of Jonesboro and many from a distance paid marked attention to all the exercises. The younger pupils acquitted themselves well, and evinced to the large audience that they had been proficient in all their lessons. Thursday night, one of the largest congregations that we have witnessed in this place assembled in the Methodist E. Church for the purpose of listening to the "Commencement Exhibition." The music was under the direction of that inimitable music teach, Prof. Charles E. Dillworth, who as he always does upon occasions similar to this, acquitted himself with honor. The beautiful and accomplished young ladies who compose this class, shared largely with the Professor by being frequently applauded, although Professor Foye politely requested the audience not to cheer; but when the beautiful song was played and sung; with the chorus, "We will stand by the Flag," the large audience gave sent to their loyal and patriotic feelings and cheers lustily, and shouted "we will!". The following compositions were read, and pieces of music played and sung: [long list of names, essays & songs]...

Professor Foye informed the audience that the next session would commence the 10th of next September, and that about one hundred and fifty pupils can be accommodated. We trust that the families of Jonesboro will manage their household affairs, that they may be able to board the young ladies who may come from a distance, for a good school in as honor and a moral benefit to any place. We would again urge it upon the citizens of this place to repair the Male Academy building, so that we may have a Male School opened about the same time that the Female College opens.

3 August 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - Speech of Hon. William B. Stokes -

On Thursday last, Col. Stokes, according to a previous appointment, addressed a loyal crowd of this and adjoining counties, in the beautiful grove in front of the Jonesboro Female College. His speech was plain, frank, but powerful exposition of the gross inconsistencies of Andy Johnson and the mongrel party that comes to his support....

24 August 1866 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - Great Mass Meeting in Jonesborough! -

Immense Concourse of Loyalists! - Four Thousand People Present! - Upper East Tennessee Opposed to Traitorous Copperheads! - The immense gathering of loyalists on Friday was enough, truly, to convince even the Copperheads themselves, that if radical Unionism is an Idol, Upper East Tennessee is hopelessly joined to her Idol. We do not remember seeing such an imposing assemblage as met within the large and delightful Grove of the Jonesboro Female College. Every avenue was packed and crammed with anxious, earnest, and devoted Union men...

20 July 1866 - Union Flag
16 August 1867 - Union Flag
13 July 1866 - Union Flag

25 January 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Obituaries

Maggie S. Branner, of Summerville, GA, died in Jonesborough on Friday the 18th instant, aged 17 years and 10 months. Never have we attempted to pen an obituary with greater sadness. Four months ago Maggie came here as a student in the Female College and in this short time endeared herself to us by ties whose strength we know not, til death came... ...The badge of mourning which her schoolmates wear...

7 June 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - Speaking at Jonesborough

[long political article] ...At the same time Etheridge began his harangue, the Radicals formed a procession under the front of the Court House under Chief Marshall Gen. George E. Grisham, and marched to the beautiful grove of the Female College in the west part of town where they were addressed at length by Col. L.G. Houk, who dashed the Conservative party without mercy....

21 June 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Fourth of July

...The meeting will take place in the beautiful locust grove surrounding the Female College and will be addressed by Rev. L.F. Drake. A Glorious time is anticipated...

12 July 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Fourth of July

...A large an imposing procession was formed on Main Street under Capt. George E. Grisham and assistant Marshalls, which marched to the grove of the Female College...

6 September 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 -

The fall session of Jonesboro Female College will commence on Monday next.

15 November 1867 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Jonesboro Female College

We are glad to learn that this institution is in a highly flourishing condition, the attendance being nearly one hundred. Professor Presnell and his ship, and accomplished Assistant Miss Florence Byars are discharging their duties to the satisfaction of all. There is no better location for a Female College in the South than at this point and our people must come up to the help of those indefatigable educators to make this institution second to none to the standard of scholarship and the facilities of acquiring an education.

27 March 1868 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Educational

The Washington County Teachers Association will convene in regular session, at Jonesborough Female College, on Saturday 28th inst. Important business especially in connection with the lat???? of common schools is expected to be transmitted. With a desire to induce a larger attendance of the friends of Education and of ??ch?? Specialty?. This notice is published by the direction of the President. R.H. Dungan, Assistant Secretary, Jonesboro, Mar 25

19 June 1868 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 4 - Fourth of July

...The procession will be formed in front of the Court House and march to the grove of the Female College. Come one! Come all!

10 July 1868 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - The Grand Radical Union Rally in Jonesboro on Fourth of July

Over 10,000 Unionists in Council! - The Grandest Pagentry Ever Witnessed in the Mountains of East Tennessee!! - Procession Over a Mile in Length! - Upper East Tennessee for Grant an Colfax Ten to One! - Gen. Wm. B. Stokes and Hon. R.R. Butler Address the Immense Assemblage! - [three column description of event] ...The procession moved on in splendid order to the beautiful grove of the Female College. This grove contains about 2 acres of ground, well shaded, with magnificent locust trees. The speaker's stand erected on the lower side of the Grove, was gorgeously decorated with evergreens, flowers, and Union flags in a manner that attracted the attention of the thousands who filled the Grove so densely that it was uncomfortable to the vast crowd. Seats for the young ladies and Band were arranged in the front of the stand...

22 January 1869 - Union Flag
8 April 1870 - Union Flag

21 May 1869 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - School Fund

We have been informed by our Superintendent of Public Instruction for this County that within the last ten days that he has paid about fourteen teachers, and that all other teachers whose schools have closed can receive their pay by calling at his residence on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week...

22 July 1870 - Union Flag, Jonesborough, page 3 - Thanks!

Prof. Presnell and Mr. Dungan have our thanks for copies of the catalogues of their respective schools. They are neatly printed and present quite a handsome appearance.