On December 22, 1852, Joseph S. Rhea and Z.L. Burson, agents for the Jonesborough Lodge No. 40 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows purchased the school property for $767. At the October 1853 term of court, the sale was recognized and a deed made. On August 1, 1853, A.J. Rose sold the land that adjoined the lot to the Odd Fellows. On May 6, 1859, the District Court of East Tennessee conveyed lot number twenty-five to the Odd Fellows. The deed was finally issued on September 18, 1861.
26 April 1853 - Holston Christian Advocate, page 2 - Odd Fellows Female High School, Jonesborough, Tennessee
A circular just received shows that the Trustees of the Jonesborough Female Academy have surrendered the Academy grounds and buildings to the Jonesborough Lodge No. 40 Independent Order of the Odd Fellows. The lodge has enlarged the grounds, repaired the buildings and are opening a Female High School under the supervision of Rev. R.P. Wells, and Rev. D. Sullins. Board and tuition are as low as they can be found anywhere in this country.
In 1854, the Odd Fellows added an elaborate two-story addition with four columns and cupula to the front of the 1831 one-story Presbyterian Church building. A photo and sketch of this original building can be seen on the previous page (1816-1853). In 1894 the board of education tore down the original 1831 Presbyterian Church building and replaced it with a two-story hall as shown in the photos below. This location of this building is being the current Academy Hill building. The Sanborn Fire Maps, which are known for their accuracy, show the building was located where the current front parking structure is located and stretched to the fenceline at 314 Main Street and partially into the current parking lot. See the Sanborn Fire Map overlay below.
11 July 1894 - Herald and Tribune, Jonesborough, page 3 -
The Board of Education is having the school building on College Hill repaired. They are tearing away what was formerly the old Presbyterian Church to build a large two story hall which they propose to furnish and will equip for school purposes and for an auditorium to accommodate the public at the close of the school. We are glad to see them supplying this long felt need, and we prophecy for the school a brilliant year's work.
29 August 1894 - Herald and Tribune, Jonesborough, page 3 -
On account of the building not being ready for the Jonesboro Graded School will be some two to three weeks late opening its first term. The exact date of opening will be given in this paper as soon as it can be ascertained.
19 September 1894 - Herald and Tribune, Jonesborough, page 3 -
Work on the new school building is progressing rapidly; the floors are laid and the roof is on.
26 September 1894 - Herald and Tribune, Jonesborough, page 3 -
An effort is being made to complete College Hall so school can open next Monday...
1913 Sanborn Fire Map - 1854 School building