Introduction- Dustin Wong

大家好!✋🏻我係5F班既Dustin!🙆🏻‍♂️ 今年會擔任Welfare Officer。我明白你地都想有唔同的優惠💵,我一定會以同學的福利為我的中心。如果大家有甚麼優惠想要,可以透過Instagram 同我講,我必定會盡我所能為各位爭取最大既福利。

我曾經擔任綠社 Sports Captain🏅, form coordinator 和學校啦啦隊成員🙌🏻🤸🏻‍♂️。從此可見,我係一位勇於嘗試新的事物和具備領導才能的人才💪🏻。你可能會問我為什麼要加入學生會,你們為什麼要投票給我們。我回答你的第一個問題,原因很簡單,我想為同學服務👨🏻‍🎓,因為我真正了解學生的需要和想要的。我敢肯定,如果你認識我,我的工作方式不同,或者我應該說非常唔同。我不像正常人那樣思考,相反,我以一種無人能及的方式思考,這令到我很特別,因為我也可以激勵他人以另一種方式思考。希望大家可以投下你們寶貴的一票,讓我們能夠為大家服務,為大家發聲!!!

請投票支持 1️⃣號內閣阿貝利亞!!👊👊👊

Hello everybody! I am Dustin, the welfare officer from class 5F. I understand many of you want discounts from various stores and I will try my very best and dedicate my time to find as many welfare as possible for you guys.

For my past 4 years in this wonderful school, I have been the Green House Sports Captain and the form coordinator. You may ask why I want to be in the student council and why should you guys vote for us. Let me answer your first question, the reason is pretty simple, which is I want to serve my fellow schoolmates as I truly understand what students need and want. I'm sure if you know me, I work differently or should I say extraordinarily. I don't think like normal human beings instead I think in a way that nobody can and that makes me special as I can also inspire others to think in an alternate way.

I hope all of you can give us the privilege and honour to serve you all!!!