Introduction- Nicole Yau

大家好 我係5F嘅nicole 今年擔任學生會1號候選內閣Abelia 康樂一職!! 成個中學生涯我都冇諗過自己會參選學生會 直到知道自己有機會加入Abelia, 我毫無猶豫咁答應咗。

起過往既四年我參加咗不同的工作崗位, 我係黃社擔任sports captain一職亦都係學校排球隊成員之一,從中認識到唔同嘅同學亦都對舉辦活動方面有一定嘅了解同埋認識,我希望我哋可以透過過往種種唔冋嘅經驗發揮到自身嘅價值,為學校帶來正面嘅影響!!!

我相信我哋Abelia 絕對會盡全力為同學發聲,我亦都希望可以同Abelia 一齊共同進退。如果大家對本閣嘅活動有任何意見或建議歡迎你哋聯絡我哋🙌🏻

請各位同學相信我哋Abelia 並喺9月24日為我哋投下重要既一票!!!!

Hello everyone!! I’m Nicole from class 5F and I am the recreational officer of the proposed student council cabinet #1, Abelia!!!!! last year I really wouldn’t have imagined myself being in a cabinet. When I discovered that I have a chance to join Abelia, I didn’t hesitate to join.

I’ve been in several committees such as the sports captain of Yellow house for two years. Moreover, I am a member of the volleyball team and it allowed me to make more friends and learn more about organizing events or activities. This year, I would like to serve our school by coordinating various activities for my fellow schoolmates. I hope we can improve the school dynamic and bring positive changes by organizing different activities. I want to fall and rise with Abelia and I’m sure Abelia will try their very best to voice out your opinions.

If you guys have any suggestions regarding activities or events, you can always propose them to us!!!

Let’s trust, support and vote for Abelia on September 24!!!