Introduction- Sidney Li

大家好,我係來自4W班嘅李宏儀,將會擔任學生會一號候選內閣Abelia 財務一職。從古至今,如何有效地運用資源一直係個人乃至整個社會所面對嘅一大難題。作為本校其中一個主要嘅學生組織,學生會也不可避免地要面對這困擾了人類上千年的問題。


希望大家能在9月24日為一號內閣 Abelia 投下信任的一票,並給我們一個機會,來為大家獻上美好的一年😊👍

Greetings! I'm Sidney from class 4W, the treasurer of Abelia.

Ever since the dawn of human civilisation, the problem of how to effectively utilise resources has been under constant debate. As one of the main student-representing bodies of our school, the Student Council faces this problem as well. We at Abelia know how important it is to efficaciously use the resources we have on hand to accomplish our goals. That is why I promise to give my 110% to utilise the budget to provide a fun and healthy learning environment for you guys!

It would be an honour to serve the school and most importantly, our students - YOU!

Sept 24th, cast your vote

#1 Abelia