Event sharing

To access sharing options, long click on an event then select Share. You cannot share an event already shared to you by another person. You can stop sharing, change sharing settings or share to other persons an event already shared by you, for this select the option Sharing settings after a long click on a shared event.

The principle of sharing an event is to push all its data to a server, then you send a link to the persons you want to share to. This means that anybody having the link can access the event data, there is no authentication. This is important because if your event contains sensitive data, you must probably not share it.

A person having the link, can view the event data on a simplified read only web site. Or synchronize this event with the application, once synchronized this person may do modifications to the event (add/change/remove operations/friends/categories...).

Global sharing settings

The first sharing options are the following:

  • Share this event: if you check this box, the event data is pushed to the server when you validate the screen. If you uncheck this box, the event data is deleted from the server when you validate the screen.
  • Allow my friends to make changes: If activated, anybody having synchronized the event in his application can do modifications. Be aware that your friends can do mistakes by editing an event. It is always recommended to activate the automatic backup (Event edition), that could help you to recover some mistakes.
  • Synchronize receipts: as you may know it is possible to scan the receipts and attach them to the operations (Operation edition). You can choose to synchronize them or not. Of course this will use more data if you synchronize them. The ABCBA sharing server cannot host the receipts for several reasons. But you have 2 options:
    • Using Google Drive: this will create a public folder containing all the event receipts (public but not referenced), the application will automatically use this folder to synchronize the receipts.
    • For more privacy you can use your own FTP server. It requires more configuration and may lead to some synchronization issues (when synchronizing, the application of all event members will connect to the FTP server that may reject some connections because of quota)
    • Important point: if your receipts contain sensitive data, don't synchronize them

How to send the sharing invitation (link)

In the same screen your event friends are listed. You can select to whom you want to share and the method (email or SMS). The email or mobile phone number must be entered in the friend settings if you want this feature working.

In case of email, the email client will be opened so you will be able to see and modify the recipients and the content of the message.

In case of SMS, the application will send the SMS. If the recipient have the application installed, the SMS will be caught by it and an ABCBA notification will be raised.

Other recipients is an option if you don't want to share to the event members, this will open the email client and you will be able to enter the recipients you want.

Sharing without sending email or SMS

You can share using a QR code.

  1. first share your event, even without sending any message to anybody
  2. then come back to the sharing settings, the QR code will be displayed at the bottom of the screen (you have to scroll)
  3. use any barcode scanner application to scan this QR code from another device
  4. select ABCBA when Android asks you how to open the link.