Operation edition

Optional and mandatory fields

In order to minimize the time spent to add or modify an operation, you have the possibility to customize what optional fields are displayed when editing an operation. To customize it, click on the button "Display" at the bottom of the screen. There are 2 display modes: Quick and Expert. The "Quick mode" takes into account your display preferences, the "Expert mode" displays all fields.

Here is the list of optional fields that can be hidden in the "Quick mode":

  • Operation type: if it is hidden, the default type is "Expense"
  • Operation date
  • Operation time
  • Operation location
  • Payment type
  • Receipts
  • Operation description

Operation types

So far 5 types of operations are supported:

  • Expense: when some friends paid something.
  • Refund: when some friends gave money to other friends of the event. This has no impact on the total expense amount.
  • Debt: when some friends owe money to other friends for something external to the event (could a an old debt from a previous event). This has no impact on total expense amount.
  • Income: when some friends receive money, opposite of expense. It could be a commercial refund on something paid for the event.
  • Withdrawal: the goal of this operation type is to track the cash money in friends wallets. If you need to track the wallets, a good practice is to enter a Withdrawal operation at the beginning of the event with the initial cash amount in the wallet. Then it is important to set correctly the payment method of each operations (at least for cash payment method).
  • Cash change: Useful only when you manage your cash wallet. If you exchange cash euros to cash dollars, then enter this type of operation to have your cash amount up to date and correctly valued. Indeed, the change fees can be entered and so the real cost of your cash money will be calculated accordingly. Later when you use your cash money to buy something, the real cost is know and used by the application.

Common to all operation types

  • Operation title: Mandatory, you can enter free text for the title. It is initialized with a default text (here "Expense at 13h03"), adapted to the operation type you select.
  • Date: Optional, date of the operation
  • Time: Optional, time of the operation.
  • Location: Optional, this is free text. If you granted the application to get the mobile location, you can initialize the field with your location by clicking on the button on the right. If you create a new operation, and the field is displayed, it is automatically initialized to your current location.
  • To be confirmed: you can use this check box to mark an operation for later check. You can display more information about usage of this checkbox by clicking on the "Information" icon on the right.
  • Payment Method: Optional. You can hide this option, but if visible it is mandatory to select a value. Mandatory because in order to have consistent data for all operations. Additionally, the application manages a cash wallet whenever a withdrawal operation exists. In this case it is important to set correctly the payment method (at least for cash) in order to have a correct amount of cash in the wallet.
  • Receipt: Optional. You have here 3 buttons: one to take a picture and attach it to the operation, one to attach an existing image and the third one to attach a PDF file to the operation. In case of picture attached you can modify it (crop and/or contrast), more information about this in next section "Picture of receipt".
  • Description: Optional. Free text to add some details to the operation if needed.

Picture of receipt

When you attach an image to an operation you can modify it.

  • You can crop and correct the perspective. Even if the picture has not been taken in right front of the document, you can correct the perspective and have an image with a good ratio.
  • You have 2 ways to use the crop anchors. You can quickly move them directly with your finger, then you can select it and move your finger anywhere else on the screen to have a very fine control.
  • Once cropped the contrast will be automatically optimized, if you don't want this optimization you can cancel it.

Expense or Income operation

Once you selected "Expense" or "Income" as operation type, you have to select a Category. The most used category is selected by default. Then you have to set who paid by clicking on "Set expense" ( or in case of income, you have to set who received the money by clicking on "Set income").

To define who paid a popup is displayed and you can enter the amount payed by each friend for this operation. Usually there is only one payer per operation but if needed you can enter several.

On this popup you can use a calculator, add new friends, change the currency.

Once the "Who paid?" popup is validated, a summary is displayed on the operation edition screen, you can still change amounts, currency from this screen. To display again the "Who paid?" popup you can click on the purple pencil button.

Then you can select who participates to the operation. The most frequent participant set is selected by default. For each participant you can define a participation coefficient, or a fixed participation.

Just click on the participant to add or remove him (don't need to click on the little check box). The default coefficients can be set on the friend profile, see Friend edition section.

When the expense is done in another currency than the event default currency, a "Real cost" field appears.

This field is automatically initialized using the currency exchange rate. But when you pay in another currency you will probably have bank fees, so you can change this value if you want.

In case of bank fee, you may not know the exact real cost at the moment you enter the operation. You can use the check box "To be confirmed", described earlier, to mark the operation so you don't forget to modify it later when you will know the real amount.

In case of expense in another currency and in cash, the option "Automatically use real cost of the wallet" is available.

When entering cash operations, the friend cash wallet is updated. In case of several currencies, the exact cost of the wallet converted in default currency cannot simply be calculated using the change rate (because of change fees).

So this option is available to take into account the cash wallet real cost in cash operations.


  • George uses his $ credit card to withdraw 100€. 100€ is equivalent to $116, but this operation has a final cost of $120 including bank fees. So you enter a withdrawal operation of 100€ with a real cost of $120.
  • At this step the € cash amount in George's wallet is 100€, but these 100€ have a value of $120 (rate + fees).
  • Then George buys something 22€ for the group in cash. The real cost of the expense could be automatically calculated, not based on the $/€ rate but on the wallet real cost. 22€ is equivalent to $25 but the real cost of this expense is $26.40 (22*120/100)
  • This calculation have the advantage to work and to be correct even in case of a cash wallet built from several withdrawals with different change rates and fees.

Then if you go to the wallet of George, you can see the wallet amount, real cost, and history. More details in Friend screen

Refund or Debt operation

For a refund you define who gave and who received the money. For a debt you define who owes and who must receive the money. In both cases you can select several friends if needed. Then you enter the amount and change the currency if needed.

More details in the section "Operation types" above.

Withdrawal operation

Just enter who withdrew the money, the amount, and change the currency if needed.

More details in the section "Operation types" above.

Cash change operation

Select who changed his cash money, the cash amount paid and the cash amount withdrew.

This will calculate automatically the real cost of the change, and the real cost of the money in the wallet will be re-evaluated.