
What is ABCBA?

ABCBA is an Android application that can be downloaded on the Google Play Store here. This application is officially published on the Google Play Store only, if you find it somewhere else please do not trust it!

This is an expense splitter, expense sharing, group budget control application. It's goal is to ease the management of expenses in a group of friends. It tells you who owes what to whom.

During holidays, roommate, or any event, expense split can be complicated. ABCBA will allow you to enter any expense done by members of a group, specifying who must participate. The application calculates automatically who owes to whom. No internet connection required. No need anymore to make a kitty, or to do money exchanges at each expense!

Event account can be synchronized online. People who have the application can contribute, others can verify expenses on a mobile web site.

It is also possible to generate and share reports in different formats: PDF, Excel (XLS), email, SMS...

Manage your expenses

Quickly visualize your expenses, who payed, who participated.

View the total amount of a day.

Display expenses in your preferred order.

Easily enter new operations

Quickly enter new operations thanks to a user interface that you can customize according to your needs. You can select what kind of information you need in order to optimize the record time.

You can have several payers, and several participants in one operation.

Different operations types: Expense, refund, debt, income, withdrawal.

Scan receipts

You can scan a receipt, or attach a picture from your gallery to your operations.

An integrated image processor allows to crop and optimize the contrast to improve the readability.

Also PDF files can be attached as receipt to operations. If you received a bill by email, just click on it, open it with ABCBA that will ask you on which operation you want to attach it.

Share with anybody

You can give write access or read only access to your friends.

You can chose to share receipts.

Receipts can be shared using your Google Drive account or your own FTP server.

Manage your friends

Visualize your friends participating to your event.

Quickly view who owes money and how much.

You can group them by family.

Who owes to whom?

The application proposes a refund plan.

If more than one solution is possible you can enter your refund preferences according to people affinities.

Export to different formats

You can export the entire event, one operation, operations of a friend or a category.

Supported formats: PDF, Excel file, Text, SMS, ABCBA file.

For PDF format you can customize the content.

Excel file can be modified, the balances will automatically be updated by Excel.

Text format is to share thru an application supporting text.

SMS option is optimized to share by SMS

ABCBA file is more for backup purposes, it can be imported later or on another device (with unlocked version)

Organize expenses by categories

Add as much categories as you need.

Visualize how much you spent in each category.