Categories tab

The categories tab is a part of the Event screen

In this tab are listed all defined categories. For each of them you can see the total count and amount of expenses. At the end of the screen the same data is shown in a graphical chart.

Possible actions:

  • Click on the 3 dots to display the menu described in the following section 3 dots menu.
  • Click on a category to open the Category screen.
  • Long click on a category to display the Category context menu described bellow.
  • Click on the pie chart to display it on the full screen.
  • Click on the green + to add a new category

3 dots menu

The 3 dots menu content changes according to the selected tab. From the category tab you have the following options:

  • Default categories: you can use this option to customize the default list of categories created for you when you create a new event.
  • The other options are related to the event, they are common to all tabs. More details in section Event context menu from Main screen

Category context menu

In this menu you can:

  • Edit the category icon and name (see Category edition section in Category screen)
  • Export the category operations (see Export)
  • Delete the category