
Several formats for export

The exportable items are: an event, an operation, a friend, a category. Not all the formats are available for all items.

Usually to export an item, you can long click on it. Or if already selected, click on the 3dots menu, then chose export.

PDF file

This is the preferred format to share a report because it is easier to read that other formats, contains graphical elements, is not modifiable. You can generate a PDF report for:

  • an event: in this case you will get a popup window in which you can select what information you want to be present in the report. You can select the following options:
    • Event details: the event icon, operation count, category count, ...
    • Who owes to whom: a summary of who owes what to whom according to your preferences set on the Who owes to whom tab
    • Balance: the balance of each friend
    • Incomes by category: to display to total incomes in each category, and a pie chart
    • Expense by category: to dispaly the total expense in each category, and a pie chart
    • Operation details: to display the list of all operations
    • Operations receipts: to include the receipts (scanned or attached as PDF)
    • Friend reports: a dedicated section for each friend, that helps eachone to verify his own operations
    • Operation times: if you want to show the time of each operation
    • Operation location: if you want to show the location of each operation
  • a friend: the report contains the friend status (balance, balance history, participations, etc...) and the list of all participated operations
  • a category: the report contains the list of all operations of this category

Note that once generated you can share the PDF file by email. The email will contain a summary of who owes to whom and the PDF file in attachment.

Excel file

This is for an entire event only. You can export any event to an Excel file. The file contains formulas so you can change some values of expense or participation and the result will be re-calculated automatically by Excel.


This format is particularly adapted to share by email if you want all the details in the text (not in an attached PDF file). You can edit the content before sending the email.

This format is available for:

  • an event: it will contain:
    • who owes what to whom
    • balance for friends
    • expense by category
    • list of operations with the date, who paid, who participated
    • a section for each friend to help eachone to verify his own operations
  • a single operation: contains the date, the amounts, who paid, who participated. If a receipt is attached to the operation then it will be attached to the email as well.
  • a category: contains the list of operations and details for this category
  • a friend: participation and balance of this friend, and all operations he is involved in.


Text format with only the most necessary information to limit the size of the report.

This format is available for:

  • an event: the text will contain who owes to whom
  • a single operation: contains the date, amount, who paid, who participated...
  • a category: contains the list of operations and amounts of the category with the total amount.
  • a friend: the list of operations for this friend and his balance

ABCBA file

This is the application format. This kind of file can be imported (Import is available only if you bought ABCBA Unlock)

This is useful for backup purposes.

This format is available for an entire event only.