Ocean of Love

This picture shows a home cooked meal my grandmother made for a family meal. The primary subject of this photo are the plates of shrimp and fish-shaped dumplings that are featured. Because this photo has been taken from a bird's-eye view, the background features a navy blue tablecloth. In this picture, both my grandmother's passion for cooking and the care and dedication she put into creating this meal for my sisters and I represents love. Food is her love language, as well as the means she uses to express herself. It is clear that my grandmother put a lot of time and effort into this celebratory meal. Wrapping dumplings, especially the special ones pictured in this photograph, is not an easy task. In this photograph, it is the food itself that matters the most, not fancy, matching platters and utensils. The attention to detail in each of the fish-shaped dumplings shows the depth of care in our relationship with our grandmother, and the fish themselves also serves as a symbol that represents my sisters and I. Just like these multicolored fish, my sisters and I are a unique blend of different identities that make us who we are. No matter where we go, we will always cherish our cultural roots.