Teddy Bears

The background is outdoors, with a picnic table and grass on a cloudy day. Love is shown by our friendship built over time. This photo was taken at a summer program that I went to last year. My close friends bought me this teddy bear so that we could remember each other. Love is expressed through friendship and kindness toward one another. The thought of having someone think of you and the thought that one puts behind the gift is what was really meaningful to me. I sometimes get my friends gifts, and it makes them really happy, which also puts me in a good mood. Friendships are important because it is another way of expressing yourself outside of your family. Sometimes, there are things that you can’t freely express to your family like you do your friends, and knowing that someone has your back is really important for me. Friendships can last a long time because you never know what can happen. I have experienced love through friendship before because on special days, for example birthdays, I receive gifts from my friends. In the photo, one of the teddy bears represents me, and the two others represent my friends. Even the bears show each of my friends’ characteristics. One of my friends, who always keeps their hoodie up, wanted her bear to have the hoodie on. I think Asian Americans express love in this way because giving gifts is a way of expressing love and care for one another. This picture is trying to tell people that friendships can last a lifetime. Even though I was only with them for 6 weeks, I still think about them and text them sometimes. Although this was at a summer camp and my friends don’t live close to me, you never know when you’ll meet them again. For me, this teddy bear means a lot, and I still keep it on my bed as a way to hold onto all the special memories I had with my friends. I also sleep with this teddy bear as a comfort object. Sometimes, when I get really stressed out or need something to talk to other than a person, I talk to this teddy bear, and it helps bring happiness into my life. I think people should know that even a small gift can really make an impact on the other person. We are all unique in our ways through physical traits and personalities.