Joy Ride

This picture shows my father's hand reaching back from the front seat of a car into the backseat of the car, asking for food to snack on while he drives. The love shown is the way my family shows appreciation and gratitude for each other through sharing small snacks and going on road trips together. In this photo, my family went on a road trip together, and my dad, who had been driving for a long time and was probably pretty tired, heard me open my bag of snacks and reached into the back of the car to ask for some. It was a really simple way to show my appreciation for his hard work in my life and his driving. Little things like asking for food within the family and sharing with each other can be experienced by a lot of people and shows that love can sometimes be quite simple and not extravagant. My parents often work hard and go through things emotionally that I could probably never completely grasp. The mundane act of showing gratitude by being willing to give up a small part of my food helps build my family connection. My bond with my dad is pretty strong, and doing little things for each other is how my family expresses love. Appreciation for what you already have around you makes life and love for the people around you easier. This appreciation is shown within my family through simple acts of service like doing the dishes or just cleaning up for each other. We also like to spend time with each other doing absolutely nothing but watching TV and being in each other’s presence. These little, seemingly meaningless things help connect my family together in our own special way.